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今年2月23日,鄂州市委办公室、市政府办公室下发《关于组织千名干部开展“三送”活动的通知》后,鄂州市交通局党组非常重视,迅速召开了局党组会议,就如何贯彻执行文件精神拿出了具体意见,同时,成立了以局党组副书记冯雪明同志为组长的4人“三送”工作组。3月1日,根据梁子湖区“三送”活动领导小组统一安排,鄂州市交通局工作组进驻涂家垴镇沙咀村。在进村开展“三送”工作的短短两个月时间里,鄂州市交通局党组书记、局长干光星亲自带领党组成员现场调研,指导“三送”工作,帮助村民排忧解难。工作组根据干光星局长的要求,以高度的政治责任感和求真务实的作风,围绕“两增一减”这个工作目标,本着“办好事,办实事,为当地政府和村民解决实际困难”的工作思路,出实招,办实事,求实效,做了大量卓有成效的工作,受到鄂州市委、市政府、梁子湖区委、区政府的表彰和当地村民的高度赞扬。下面让我们把镜头回放,看看鄂州市交通局干群是如何将“三送”的亮点星光照耀鄂州农村大地的。 On February 23 this year, the Ezhou Municipal Party Committee Office and the municipal government office issued the Notice on Organizing a Thousand Cadres to Conduct Three Sends, which was immediately attached to Ezhou Municipal Bureau of Transportation. How to implement the spirit of the document came up with specific comments, at the same time, the establishment of a bureau under the leadership of Comrade Feng Xueming, deputy secretary of the 4 “three send ” working group. March 1, according to the Liangzi Lake District “three send ” leading group of unified activities, Ezhou City Department of Transportation stationed in the town of Shazui Tujia Town. In the just two months after the “three sending” work in the village, the party secretary and director of the Ezhou Municipal Transportation Bureau, Qian Guangxing, personally led the members of the party group to conduct on-site investigation and guidance so as to help the villagers solve their problems . The working group, based on the request of the Director General of the Bureau of Light Industry, with a high sense of political responsibility and a pragmatic style of work, focused on the work target of “two increases and one reduction” and based on the principle of “doing good and doing practical things for the local government and villagers Solve real problems ”, out of practice, do practical work, seek actual results, a lot of fruitful work done by the Ezhou municipal government, Liangzhu District Committee, the district government’s commendation and the local villagers highly praised. Let’s take a look at the lens and see how the cadres in Ezhou City Bureau of Transportation are shining bright spots in rural areas of Ezhou.
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