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世界上参与人数最多的节日大概除了圣诞节,就是春节了。每年至少有十三个亿的人民在欢度这个由节气而演化成的盛大日子。年复一年,一代又一代,华夏儿女的子子孙孙们度过了多少春节,恐怕很难有个准确的统计数字。一年年的过,一天天的盼,春节虽然只有短短的24小时,来去匆匆,但人们的心绪却远不止短短的一天。许多人从上年的春节刚过,便期盼着下一年春节的到来。尤其是孩子,这种迫切的心情简直有些急不可待。因为新的一年总会给人们带来希望、美好、幸福和光明。尽管有时人们的愿望井不一定能够实现,但时间给人的是无限的空间和想象,人们可以从中得到宽慰、调整、努力和发奋,可以在未来的岁月里得到更多的充实和更宽阔的展望。而春节是这所有一切的分水岭,象征、标致和契机。什么事情都有个极限,有个过腻的时侯,有个被呼吁改革的日子,有个让人们抛弃的结局,惟独春节没有。不但没有,相反人们更加珍惜它、呵护它、崇拜它、热爱它。不仅是怀旧感特强的老年人、天真烂漫对一切充满好奇的孩子;也不仅是生活在大陆和港台的华夏儿女,就是在大洋彼岸的黑头发、黄皮肤都是如此。春节是旧生活的终结,新生活的开始。365 The festival with the largest number of participants in the world is probably Christmas except Christmas. Every year, at least 1.3 billion people celebrate this grand occasion evolving from solar terms. Year after year, generation after generation, many Chinese children and grandchildren spent the Spring Festival, I am afraid it is difficult to have an accurate statistics. Year after year, day by day, although the Spring Festival only a short period of 24 hours, come and gone, but people’s mood is much more than a short day. Many people just passed the Spring Festival last year and they are looking forward to the Spring Festival next year. Especially for children, this kind of urgent mood is simply impatient. Because the new year will always give people hope, beauty, happiness and light. Although people’s aspirations may not necessarily be achieved at some times, time gives unlimited space and imagination, and people can be relieved, adjusted, diligent and energetic, and they can get more substantial and broader in the coming years Outlook. The Spring Festival is a watershed, symbol, Peugeot and opportunity for all this. There is a limit to anything. When there is a time when it is too tired, there is a day called for reform and there is an end to people’s abandonment. However, there is no Spring Festival holiday. Not only do not, on the contrary people cherish it more, care for it, worship it, love it. Not only nostalgic nostalgic seniors, naive and naive to all curious children; not only Chinese children living in the mainland and RTHK, but dark hair and yellow skin across the ocean. Spring Festival is the end of the old life, the beginning of a new life. 365
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