
来源 :农业机械 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:llljjjxxx7
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随着我国农业机械化的快速平稳发展,我国农机企业出口方向发生了重大变化,农机企业出口方向变动产生的风险愈来愈大。如何减少中国农机企业进入新市场的风险已成为目前中国农机企业,尤其是金融危机背景下企业非常关心的一个问题。本文对近年中国农机企业出口方向变动的原因及面临的主要风险进行了分析,并提出了风险防范的主要办法。 With the rapid and steady development of agricultural mechanization in our country, significant changes have taken place in the direction of export of agricultural machinery enterprises in our country and the risks arising from the changes in the direction of export of agricultural machinery enterprises have become increasingly large. How to reduce the risk of Chinese agricultural machinery enterprises entering into new markets has become a problem that Chinese agricultural machinery enterprises are facing nowadays, especially in the background of financial crisis. This article analyzes the reasons for the change of export orientation of Chinese agricultural machinery enterprises in recent years and the main risks they face, and puts forward the main measures of risk prevention.
本文介绍Internet中的新领域──移动IP技术。文章从传统IP在提供移动服务时的缺陷谈起,阐述了移动IP的工作原理,并指出其存在的不足。 This article describes the new area in the Interne
最近,安装ADSL的客户越来越多,不少客户要求能通过ADSL在局域网共享上网,以下是我的实际操作经验,和大家共勉。 一、组建局域网 如图1所示设置一台PC机作为代理服务器,安装双网卡,其中一块网卡