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甜叶菊在我国首先由南京中山植物园引种,近年来已向全国二十多个省市推广试种。其中江苏省种植面积最大,1981年达数千亩,出口干燥甜叶菊近百吨。现在各地植物爱好者都在试种。鉴于目前的生产情况,尚不能提供较大量的种子,仅是少量试种。上海植物园也有甜叶菊幼苗提供。上海江阴路花卉市场在秋季也有个别花农出售盆栽的甜叶菊。南京中山植物园的黄应森同志曾在《中学科技》上写过一篇《怎样栽培甜菊》的文章(刊1982年第二期)。上海植物园的张丕方、倪德祥、包慈祥同志也写过《甜叶菊组织培养繁育幼苗》一文(刊1980年第六期《中学技技》),他们讲得比较详细,读者可以参考。为了方便起见,我这里把这些文章的重点内容以及我自己试种过程中积累的经验、综合整理于后。 Stevia was first introduced by Nanjing Zhongshan Botanical Garden in our country. In recent years, it has been popularized to more than 20 provinces and cities nationwide. Jiangsu Province, which planted the largest area in 1981, up to several acres, exports of dried stevia nearly 100 tons. Plant lovers are now experimenting with plants everywhere. Given the current production conditions, it is not yet possible to provide larger quantities of seeds, but only a few test plants. Shanghai Botanic Gardens also provide stevia seedlings. Shanghai Jiangyin Road flower market in autumn there are individual flower growers sell potted stevia. Huang Yingsen of Zhongshan Botanical Garden in Nanjing wrote an article entitled “How to Cultivate Stevia” in “Science and Technology in Middle Schools” (Issue 2, 1982). Zhang Pi-Fang, Ni De-Xiang and Bao Cixiang of the Shanghai Botanical Garden also wrote a paper entitled “Cultivation and Breeding of Seedlings by Stevia Organisation” (No. 6, 1980, “Secondary Science and Technology”). They are more detailed and can be consulted by readers. For the sake of convenience, here I put the focus of these articles as well as my own experience in the trial planting process, integrated into the post.
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