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在国民经济调整中,合金钢愈益显示出重要作用.为了促进合金钢的发展,调整产品结构和服务方向,国家计委、经委、科委、冶金部于4月上、中旬在北京召开了合金钢会议.出席会议的有国家计划、经济、财贸等领导部门,合金钢与低合金钢的生产、科研和使用单位的负责同志、专家和工程技术人员220余人.会上,国家计委、经委、科委的领导同志作了重要讲话.冶金部陆达副部长作了发言,介绍了我国合金钢和低合金钢的生产现状,提出了“六五”期间发展合金钢的初步设想,还提出钢铁企业要扎 In the adjustment of national economy, alloy steel has increasingly shown an important role.In order to promote the development of alloy steel, adjust the product structure and service direction, the State Planning Commission, Economic Commission, Science and Technology Commission, Ministry of Metallurgical in April, mid-held in Beijing alloy At the meeting, there were more than 220 responsible comrades, experts and engineers and technicians in the departments of national planning, economy, finance and trade and other departments in charge of producing, researching and using alloy steel and low alloy steel. At the meeting, the State Planning Commission, the Economic Commission The leading comrades of the Science and Technology Commission made an important speech. Vice Minister Lu Da, Ministry of Metallurgy, made a speech introducing the production status of alloy steel and low-alloy steel in our country and put forward the tentative plan for developing alloy steel during the “65” Also proposed steel companies to tie
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2005年我国蛋鸡业生产跌宕起伏,本文作者通过系列数据分析,对我国2005年蛋鸡业市场作了详细回顾,同时根据价格走势,展望了2006年蛋鸡业发展趋势,值得参考。 In 2005, the eg
电解槽启动后期的任务,是使电解槽转入正常工艺制度进行生产。为此目的,必须使电解槽达到稳定的温度状态,电气制度达到最佳值,熔化一定组成的 Electrolysis tank to start
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