
来源 :花木盆景(花卉园艺) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:leonmalay
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盆花施肥技术的正确与否,直接关系到盆花生长的好坏。由于盆花的生长环境与露地花卉不同,因此对施肥的要求也不一致。实践证明,盆花施肥要做到“五忌”。一忌施肥不分对象。盆花的施肥应根据花卉的种类、观赏目的及花卉的不同生长发育阶段来灵活掌握。比如苗期需要氮肥较多,以促进植株快速成形;花芽分化和孕蕾阶段则需要较多的磷肥和钾肥。在选用肥料时,观叶类花卉不能缺氮,观茎类花卉不能缺钾,观花和观果类花卉不能缺磷。酸性土花卉,不能施用人粪尿、草木灰、马蹄片等碱性肥料,而应施用麻酱渣、硫酸铵、磷酸二氢钾和鸡鸭粪等肥料。同时,酸性土花卉必须供应可给态的铁肥。施肥不分对象就达不到预期的效果。二忌施未腐熟的有机肥。未腐熟的有机肥施用后,会在盆土内继续发酵分解,放出大量热能和有害气体,同时招来蝇蛆并散发臭味,不仅会伤害根系、污染空气,还有碍盆花的陈设和卫生。在浇水量过大的情况下,还会诱发盆土中一些厌气性的微生物活动,分泌亚硝酸、亚硫酸、硫化氢等有毒物质毒害根系,使其发黑腐烂。因此,人粪尿、各种堆肥、厩肥等有机肥,施用前一定要充分沤制,彻底酵解。沤制过程中可加 Potted fertilization technology is correct or not, is directly related to the good or bad potted flower growth. The potted flowers have different requirements for fertilization due to their different growth environments and open-field flowers. Practice has proved that potted fertilizer to be done “five bogeys ”. Avoid fertilization regardless of the object. Fertilization of potted flowers should be based on the type of flowers, ornamental purposes and different stages of flower growth and development to flexible grasp. Such as seedling need more nitrogen to promote rapid prototyping plants; flower bud differentiation and pregnancy bud stage needs more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. In the selection of fertilizers, foliage plants can not lack of nitrogen, view stems and flowers can not be short of potassium, flowers and ornamental flowers and flowers can not lack of phosphorus. Acid soil flowers, can not be applied to human manure, ash, horseshoe tablets and other alkaline fertilizers, but the application of Ma Jiang residue, ammonium sulfate, potassium dihydrogen phosphate and chicken manure and other fertilizers. At the same time, acid soil flowers must supply fertile iron fertilizer. Fertility regardless of the object will not achieve the desired effect. Two bogey not rotten organic fertilizer. Undegrated organic fertilizer will continue to ferment and decompose in the basin soil, release a large amount of heat energy and harmful gases, meanwhile bring fly maggots and emit odor, which will not only damage the roots, pollute the air, but also impede the arrangement and hygiene of potted flowers. In the case of excessive watering, it will also induce some anaerobic microorganisms in the basin soil to secrete toxic substances such as nitrous acid, sulfurous acid and hydrogen sulfide to poison the roots and cause them to become black rot. Therefore, human waste, all kinds of compost, manure and other organic fertilizer, must be fully applied before the system, thoroughly glycolysis. System can be added during the system
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