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根据北太平洋环流区域性模式的计算结果研究了黑潮和南海北部上层海流的相互关联问题。计算结果表明:在巴士海峡南部一年中大部分时间都有一部分黑潮水流入南海,其中一部分在南海呈一反气旋式弯曲,然后在巴士海峡北部又流回到黑潮主干;另一部分与南海北部的一个气旋式涡旋的北翼,一起向西流动,有时可以一直流到南海的内部海域。6月份南海北部并不存在气旋式涡旋,在巴士海峡南部进入南海的水,只呈反气旋式流动,从巴士海峡北部又流回太平洋,并不存在一直向西流动的海流。除9,10月份以外,在其它月份里都有一个和高海面起伏对应的脊通过巴士海峡伸入南海,一部分海水沿脊的等值线流动,使流动路径呈反气旋式弯曲。在9和10月份,由于黑潮的流轴已经向东北推移,没有海面高度脊伸入南海,也不存在呈反气旋式流动的海流。从巴士海峡进入南海的水全部向西一直流到海南岛以东,并汇入向南流动的沿岸流。计算结果还显示出,没有黑潮的分支沿台湾西南海岸向北流入台湾海峡。计算结果与以往的一些中外学者的研究结果一致,并且部分被海流观测结果所验证。 The interrelationship between the Kuroshio and the upper currents in the northern South China Sea is studied based on the results of the regional model of the North Pacific circulation. The calculation results show that a part of the Kuroshio current flows into the South China Sea for most of the year in the southern part of the Bethlehem Strait and some of it is turned into an anticyclonic curve in the South China Sea and flows back to the main Kuroshio in the northern part of the Bashi Strait. A north-western cyclone-style vortex, flowing to the west together, can sometimes flow to the interior of the South China Sea. There was no cyclonic vortex in the northern part of the South China Sea in June. The water entering the South China Sea in the southern part of the Strait of Strait was only an anticyclone flow, flowing back into the Pacific Ocean from the north of the Strait of Strait. There is no current flowing westward. Except in September and October, in other months, a ridge corresponding to the high sea surface undulates extends into the South China Sea through the Bus Strait, and part of the seawater flows along the contours of the ridge, causing the flow path to be anti-cyclonic curved. In September and October, since the axis of the Kuroshio has moved northeastward, no sea-level ridges protrude into the South China Sea and no anticyclone currents exist. The water entering the South China Sea from the bus strait flows all the way west to the east of Hainan Island and flows along the coast flowing southward. The calculation also shows that no branch of the Kuroshio flows into the Taiwan Strait to the north along the southwest coast of Taiwan. The calculation results are consistent with the findings of some Chinese and foreign scholars in the past, and some of them are verified by the ocean current observation results.