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贺《建筑知识》创刊十周年科普作家协会秘书长柴淑敏在《建筑知识》创刊十周年之际,作为一名曾多年从事科普期刊管理工作的人员,我对这份刊物十年来为普及建筑科学知识,推广建筑科研成果,传播实用建筑技术,培养建筑科技人才,促进建筑事业发展所做出的贡献,表示由衷地祝贺。《建筑知识》是一份很有特色的科普期刊,其特色就表现在刊物内容面向生产实际,一心为读者服务;适应不同层次读者的需要设置各种栏目,不断地输送新技术、新工艺、新材料。因此深受广大读者欢迎。不久前,我有幸参加了《建筑知识》有奖读刊活动的抽奖仪式。其间我阅读了一些读者来信,读者对《建筑知识》一致的评价是:以其思想性、科学性、知识性、综合性、系统性、趣味性见长;又 He celebrated the 10th anniversary of the publication of “Architectural Knowledge”. Secretary-General of the Popular Science Writers Association, Shi Shumin, as the tenth anniversary of the founding of “Architecture Knowledge”, as a person who has been engaged in the management of popular science journals for many years, I have published this publication for ten years for the popularization of architectural science. Knowledge, promote the achievements of construction and scientific research, disseminate practical building techniques, cultivate talents for building science and technology, and promote the contribution made by the construction industry, express my sincere congratulations. “Architectural Knowledge” is a very popular science magazine. Its characteristics are that the contents of the publication are oriented toward production practice, serving the readers as one; providing various columns for the needs of readers at different levels, constantly conveying new technologies, new techniques, new material. So it is very popular among readers. Not long ago, I had the privilege of participating in the lucky draw ceremony of “Architectural Knowledge” prize reading. During this period, I read a number of letters from readers. The readers’ consistent assessment of “Architectural Knowledge” is that they are known for their ideological, scientific, intellectual, comprehensive, systematic, and interesting characteristics;
一辆大卡车载着满满的一车煤在马路上飞快地奔驰着。忽然,卡车的轮子压到了一块大石子,车身随着颠簸了几下。一个小煤 A big truck carrying a full car ran fast on the ro