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通过药剂作苗前土壤处理、苗期喷药及秧苗根系吸收方法,测定杀草丹(Thiobencarb)、杀草丹的邻氯苄基异构体(Orthobencarb)以及混合异构体对粳稻或籼稻的相对药害效力,结果表明邻氯苄基异构体对粳稻或籼稻的相对药害效力相当杀草丹的2~4倍;混合异构体未表现有增效或拮抗的作用。水稻出苗前喷药作土壤处理,杀草丹或其邻氯苄基异构体对籼稻的药害作用比对粳稻大;而在水稻出苗后喷药,两者对粳稻和对籼稻的药害作用大小无显著差别。在水稻立针期或1~2叶期喷药,杀草丹在土壤中经稻苗根部吸收的药害作用大于邻氯苄基异构体。杀草丹或邻氯苄基异构体在水稻立针期只喷药于芽鞘的药害作用远小于芽鞘及土壤均喷上药剂,表明水稻立针期喷药产生药害的主要原因是由于幼苗根部从土壤中吸收药剂所致。 Through the methods of chemical treatment of seedling before soil, spraying at seedling stage and root absorption of seedling, the determination of Thiophenecarb, Orthobencarb of isoxanil and the isomers of mixed isoforms against japonica or indica rice The results showed that the relative pesticidal efficacy of o-chlorobenzyl isomers was 2 ~ 4 times higher than that of halothrin in japonica or indica rice. The mixed isomers did not show synergistic or antagonistic effects. Rice spraying pre-emergence for soil treatment, herbicide Dan or its o-chlorobenzyl isomer of the phytoextamination of indica rice than japonica rice; and spraying in the rice after emergence, the two of japonica and indica rice phytotoxicity No significant difference in the size of the role. In the rice planting period or 1 to 2 leaf spraying, herbicide Dan in the soil through rice roots absorb more harmful than the o-chlorobenzyl isomers. Chlorophyllin or o-chlorobenzyl isomers of rice in the needle injection only in the sheath of the injury is far less than the sheath and the soil are sprayed Pharmacy, indicating that the main reason for spraying pesticides during rice stalks It is due to the roots of seedlings absorbed from the soil caused by the agent.
镉污染地区的死亡率及癌的罹患率同非污染地区相比有上升的趋势 ,有泽孝吉等对镉污染地区肾小管及肾小球机能与死亡率的关系进行了阐明。研究在长崎县对马的镉污染地区居民中
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马铃薯块茎蛾(Gnorimoschema oper-culella zeller(下称块茎蛾)是植物检疫对象,也是我县二高山以下地区马铃薯贮藏期毁灭性虫害,常年损失2千万斤左右,占贮藏量10%以上。 块茎
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因自然灾害和人为因素所导致的突发性、群体性意外伤害时有发生 ,综合性医院负有重要的抢救使命。从急诊学科的角度 ,就加强急诊科室建设、健全各种规章制度、提高院总值班素
1982~1983年用苗期人工接种及田间病圃的方法鉴定了80个长豇豆(Vigna sesquipedalis(L)Fruhw)品种及两个眉豆(Vigna cylindrica skeels.)品种对镰刀菌枯萎病(Fusarium sp.)的