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2015年8月6日,“小鲜肉”宁泽涛勇夺游泳世锦赛男子100米自由泳金牌,再一次成为了全国泳迷关注的焦点。可是关于这位游泳名将的名字,是宁(níng)泽涛,还是宁(nìng)泽涛?一时拿捏不准。翻看商务印书馆第11版《新华字典》,第365页“宁”(níng),注释4,姓。第366页“甯”(nìng)注释,1同“宁”(nìng),2姓。商务印书馆第5版《现代汉语词典》和商务印书馆第4版《古汉语常用字典》也做了同样的解释。 August 6, 2015, “small fresh meat ” Ning Zetao won the swimming world championships men’s 100 meters freestyle gold medal, once again become the focus of the national swimming fans. But about the name of the swimming star, is rather ning Ze Tao, or Ning Ze Tao? Temporarily not sure. Look at the Commercial Press eleventh edition of “Xinhua Dictionary”, p. 365 “ning” (níng), note 4, surname. Page 366 “Ning” (nìng) Notes, 1 with “Ning” (nìng), 2 surnames. The same is true for the Fifth Edition of the Commercial Press, the Modern Chinese Dictionary, and the fourth edition of the Commercial Press, Dictionary of Ancient Chinese.
今年6月17日,贵州省晴隆县新桥煤矿发生重大透水事故,16名矿工被困井下。尽管政府迅速抽调精兵强将组织500多名救援人员及时搜救,也 June 17 this year, Qinglong County, G
一次函数是最基本的函数之一,在生活中有许多问题符合一次函数模型,因此我们可以利用一次函数解决生活和生产中的一些问题。 First-order functions are one of the most ba
A new taxoid, 2-deacetyl-2a, 14b-dihydroxybaccatin IV (1), was isolated from the leaves and branches of Taxus chinensis together with the known compound baccati
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The reaction of isocyanates with aliphatic and aromatic amines in the 1-n-butyl-3- methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate (bmimBF4) ionic liquid in good to excelle