应国家南极考察委员会的邀请,以日本国立极地研究所(研究主干)松田达朗教授为团长的访华团一行四人,于1983年10月初来我国访问,其间于10月4日—7日访问了国家海洋局二所。该访华团此次来访,主要是同我国南极考察委员会商谈今后南极考察的合作问题,并介绍南极考察工作的经验和体会。 日本南极考察队于1957年1月登上南极洲,建立了南极科学考察基地,迄今,已派出了25个国家南极考察队。当前,日本南极考察的规模较大,手段上的现代化程度很
At the invitation of the National Antarctic Expedition Committee, a delegation of four, headed by Professor Matsuda Matsuda of Japan’s National Institute of Polar Research (research backbone), came to China in early October 1983 and visited China on October 4 -7 Japan visited the two State Oceanic Administration. The visit of the delegation to this visit is mainly about the cooperation with China’s Antarctic Expedition Committee to discuss future Antarctic expeditions and the experience and understanding of the Antarctic expedition. The Japanese Antarctic expedition boarded Antarctica in January 1957 and set up a scientific expedition base for the Antarctic. So far, 25 national Antarctic expedition teams have been dispatched. At present, Japan’s Antarctic expedition is larger in scale and modern in its approach