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大庆油田档案工作伴随着油田的开发建设经历了深刻的变化。经过几代档案人的努力,形成和确定了适应油田发展的一整套档案管理制度,探索和确定了门类齐全、结构合理、馆藏丰富、管理科学,覆盖全油田开发建设、广大员工需要的档案资源体系、管理体系和社会服务体系。据不完全统计,截止2012年4月,全油田馆藏近500万卷。这些档案资料,是企业巨大的物质财富、精神财富和文化财富。为油田各级领导决策提供依据,为油田生产经营与科研提供保障,为维护企业利益提供支持,为大庆油田的稳产和发展提供了全方位的优质服务,发挥了不可替代的作用。进入新时期后企业档案工作面临新形势、新任务,不断进行档案服务创新成为企业档案工作迫切 Daqing Oilfield archives work has experienced profound changes along with the development and construction of oil fields. After several generations of archivists’ efforts, a complete set of archives management system has been established and determined to meet the needs of the development of the oil field. Exploration and determination of the archives resources that are complete in scope, reasonable in structure, rich in collection, scientific in management, covering the whole oil field development and construction, System, management system and social service system. According to incomplete statistics, as of April 2012, nearly 5 million volumes have been stored in the field. These files and information, is a huge enterprise material wealth, spiritual wealth and cultural wealth. Provide basis for decision-making of leaders at all levels of the oilfield, provide support for oilfield production and operation and scientific research, provide support for the maintenance of enterprise interests, provide a full range of excellent services for the stable production and development of Daqing Oilfield and play an irreplaceable role. After entering a new era of enterprise archives work facing the new situation and new tasks, and constantly carry out innovation of archival services to become an urgent need for enterprise archives
摘 要:施工中,建筑采暖、给排水、消防、空调、通风等安装工程的大部分工作是在土建主体结构、内外墙体砌筑等工作完工后才进行的后续分部工程。为了更好的完成这些分部工程,其主体土建工程的每个环节都要很好的配合。水暖安装的质量通病防治,重点应做好预防管理工作,同时也要加强事中的检查,发现问题及时处理,不留隐患,确保工程质量。  关键词:水暖;工程;质量;通病;管理  1.预防措施要点  (1)制定切实、有
摘要:初中政治教师要辩证地看待后进生,转化后进生的关键在于纠正他们的思想。对于后进生来说,他们更需要得到老师和同学的尊重。作者结合自己的教学经验谈谈怎样发挥初中思想品德课程在转化后进生过程中的作用。  关键词:初中政治;后进生转化;作用  在全面实施素质教育的今天,做好后进生的转化工作,使之成为社会主義建设事业的有用人才,是摆在一线教师面前的新课题。初中政治学科的任课教师更有责任和义务转化每一个后