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“本公司常年招收保安员,要求身高1.70米以上,35岁以内,初中以上文化,身体健康,无违法犯罪记录。”这是记者在采访时见到的一份保安员招聘启事,当中的条件也是大多数保安公司招收新队员的标准。记者在调查中发现,虽然各地保安公司在招聘启事中都做出了各种明确要求,但在真正的招聘过程中很少能严格按照标准来做。由于保安岗位吸引力低,保安员比较难招,所以保安公司经常会降低标准来招队员。比如年龄、学历、身高等,都可能在“适当”的时候降低标准。而降低保安员招聘门槛的同时,也变相降低了所招保安员的素质。保安行业要发展,就需要更多高素质的保安员加入到保安队伍中来。但由于保安员待遇低、工作强度大,保安员流失率高,导致保安公司在招收新队员时不得不降低“门槛”。保安业经过20多年发展,“一高一低”(流失率高、进人门槛低)的“怪圈”始终没能有效解决。据记者了解,各地保安企业保安员的年平均流失率在30%左右,有的甚至更高。从整个社会的角度来看,保安员的流动有利于实现人力资源的合理配置;从公司的角度来看,适度的人员流动可以优化公司内部人员结构。但是,目前保安人员的大量流失和所造成的保安队伍不稳定现象,已严重影响到了保安企业的队伍建设和正常经营。慌不择路,就业门槛低也就成自然了。 “This year the company recruits security guards, requiring more than 1.70 meters tall, within 35 years of age, junior high school culture, good health, no criminal record of crimes. ” This is a reporter interviewed to see a security guard recruitment notice, The conditions are also the standard for most security companies to recruit new players. Reporter found in the survey, although throughout the security company in the recruitment notice have made a variety of explicit requirements, but rarely in the real recruitment process in strict accordance with the standards to do. Due to the low attractiveness of security posts, security guards are more difficult to recruit, so security companies often lower standards to recruit team members. Such as age, education, height, etc., may be in the “appropriate” to reduce the standard. While reducing the security guard recruitment threshold, but also reduced the quality of the security guards claimed. Security industry to develop, we need more high-quality security guards to join the security team. However, due to low security guards, work intensity, security guards wastage rate, leading security companies to recruit new team members had to lower “threshold ”. After more than 20 years of development in the security industry, the “strange circle” of “one high and one low” (high loss rate and low entry threshold) has not been effectively solved. According to the reporter, the annual average loss rate of security guards in security companies is around 30%, and some are even higher. From the perspective of society as a whole, the flow of security guards facilitates the rational allocation of human resources; from the company’s point of view, modest movement of personnel can optimize the structure of internal staff. However, the current massive loss of security personnel and the security team instability caused by it have seriously affected the contingent building and normal operation of security companies. Panic unscrupulous road, low employment threshold will become a natural.
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