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90年代以来,随着花卉业的发展,我国开始进行观赏百合的大面积生产。但由于目前我国还不能进行百合种球的繁殖生产,每年都要从荷兰进口几百万个种球,不仅花费大量外汇,还存在其它方面的一些问题。建立我们自己的种球繁殖基地,不仅可以降低生产成本,还可以打破进口种球一统天下的局面。百合小球培养2年后成为能开花的商品种球,本试验旨在研究各种来源的百合小球培养后种球周径的增长情况,为以后进行百合种球的规模生产提供依据。 Since the 1990s, with the development of the flower industry, our country began to watch large-scale production of lily. However, at present, China still can not breed Lily bulbs. Every year, millions of bulbs are imported from the Netherlands, which not only consumes a large amount of foreign exchange but also has other problems in some aspects. Establishing our own breeding base for bulbs will not only reduce production costs but also break down the situation where the import of bulbs will dominate the world. After two years of cultivation, lily pellets became blooming commercial bulbs. The purpose of this experiment was to study the growth of bulblets per bulb after culturing lily bulbs from different sources, and to provide the basis for the future scale production of lily bulbs.
73岁的熊世俊是原新余市人大常委会副主任,他的手绘艺术实寄封集邮方式,拓展了集邮空间,是一大创举。《人民日报》(海外版)、《中国文化报》、中央电视台、中央人民广播电台、香港《大公报》及各种集邮报刊曾相继作过介绍。  所谓手绘艺术实寄封片,就是经过书画家题字作画,加印落款,通过邮局盖戳而投递的实寄信封和明信片。它既是一枚枚集邮品,又是一帧帧微型书画作,集诗、书、画、印和邮藏于一体,有着鉴赏、珍藏的双