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我国现行破产法(试行)并没有把金融企业列入其约束的范围之内,在人们的意识中,中国的银行、证券公司是不会倒闭的,从而造成金融企业风险管理意识薄弱,道德风险盛行。而新的破产法草案则将保护债权人的利益放在了首位,从而可在很大程度上抑制各类企业利用“政策性破产”逃废银行债务的行为;并且破产法草案把金融机构一并纳入了它的适用范围。今后金融企业如果不注意控制风险,很可能因资不抵债而被强制执行破产程序。所以,新的破产法颁布之后,将在很大程度上逼迫国内金融企业的经理人提高风险防控意识。从立法宗旨上看,新破产法草案将保护债权人利益放在了显著位置,对于我国金融业来说其实是好事。因为中国企业的资金来源主要是银行,新的破产法实施之后,银行作为多数破产企业的债权人将受到很大程度的保护。 China’s current bankruptcy law (trial) does not include financial companies in its scope of constraint. In the minds of people, China’s banks and securities companies will not fail, resulting in weak risk management awareness and moral hazard of financial enterprises. Prevail. The new bankruptcy law puts the protection of creditors’ interests in the first place, which can, to a large extent, inhibit the use of “policy-based bankruptcy” by all types of companies to evade bank debt; and the draft bankruptcy law incorporates financial institutions. Including its scope of application. In the future, if financial companies do not pay attention to controlling risks, they may be forced to perform bankruptcy proceedings because of insolvency. Therefore, after the new bankruptcy law is promulgated, it will, to a large extent, force managers of domestic financial companies to raise awareness of risk control. Judging from the purpose of legislation, the draft new bankruptcy law places the interests of creditors in a prominent position and is actually a good thing for China’s financial industry. Because the source of funds for Chinese companies is mainly banks, after the implementation of the new bankruptcy law, banks as creditors of most bankrupt companies will be protected to a large extent.
在暑假中,小朋友们还是应该适当地到户外活动,不要老呆在屋子里看电视,玩游戏机。这里介绍一种户外游戏,玩起来一定很开心,又锻炼身体。 In the summer, children should st
1、《中华人民共和国反不正当竞争法》的颁布实施有什么重要意义? 《中华人民共和国反不正当竞争法》(以下简称《反不正当竞争法》),1993年9月2日经第八届全国人大常务委员
近年来,北京市顺义区经济社会迅猛发展,步入超高速、跨越式发展轨道。随着全区经济社会的快速发展、城市化进程的加快,劳动 In recent years, Shunyi District, Beijing's r