聚首山城 共议发展 全国白酒行业工作会议暨白酒分会理事会召开

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为促进我国白酒行业健康、有序地发展,中国酿酒工业协会白酒分会于2001年6月7日至9日召开“全国白酒行业工作会暨白酒分会理事会”。 白酒行业是酿酒行业中的主要行业,年产白酒600万吨左右,经济效益居酒类产品之首位,年税利总计超过125亿元,占酿酒行业的50%。我国是世界上蒸馏酒产量最大的国家,白酒是我国的传统酒种,但白酒企业分散,小企业众多,在质量保证、税款征收、打击假冒等方面的问题较多,加强管理,整顿、规范市场经济秩序日显迫切,任务繁重。随着饮酒习惯的变化,以及我国加入WTO在即,白酒行业如何适应国际酒类消费发展的趋势,加速结构调整、深化体制改革、增强科技实力、是白酒行业当前面临的重要问题。 In order to promote the healthy and orderly development of China’s liquor industry, the China Brewery Industry Association Liquor Branch held the National Liquor Industry Working Meeting and Liquor Branch Council from June 7 to June 9, 2001. Liquor industry is a major industry in the winemaking industry. It produces about 6 million tons of white spirits per year. Its economic efficiency ranks first among alcoholic products. Its annual tax profit exceeds RMB 12.5 billion, accounting for 50% of the wine industry. China is the country with the largest production of distilled spirits in the world. Liquor is a traditional wine species in China. However, liquor companies are scattered and there are many small enterprises. There are many problems in terms of quality assurance, tax collection, counterfeiting, etc., and management, rectification, and Regulating the market economic order has become increasingly urgent and arduous. With the changes in drinking habits and China’s accession to the WTO soon, how the liquor industry adapts to the international alcohol consumption development trend, accelerate structural adjustment, deepen system reform, and enhance scientific and technological strength, is the current important issue facing the liquor industry.
中国石油和化学工业协会新领导班子组成 为适应政府机构改革,在原国家石油和化学工业局撤销的同时,即抓紧筹建中国石油和化学工业协会。在2001年4月28日召开的中国石油和化
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IT业走弱、公司股价下跌、投资人不满,诸多因素打造成一口大锅。CA公司正被架于其上,经受煎熬 The weakness of the IT industry, the drop in the stock price of the comp