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阿列克谢·瓦尔拉莫夫 ( 1 96 3— )是近年来活跃在俄罗斯文坛的优秀年轻作家 ,被誉为俄罗斯文学天空中一颗耀眼的新星。他毕业于莫斯科大学语文系 ,获文学副博士学位 ,目前在该校任教。 80年代开始发表作品 ,著有十几部中长篇和短篇小说。 1 996年因中篇小说《生》而扬名俄罗斯文坛 ,获俄罗斯首届反布克文学奖。1 997年在大型文学杂志《十月》上发表长篇小说《沉没的方舟》。我国俄罗斯文学的研究工作者也很快注意到这颗俄罗斯文坛的新星。从 1 999年起 ,先后在《世界文学》、《俄罗斯文艺》、《当代外国文学》等杂志上刊登瓦尔拉莫夫的译作。外国文学出版社于 2 0 0 2年 1月出版了南京大学余一中教授翻译的瓦尔拉莫夫小说集《生》 ,其中收录了 1 995年以来作家的两部中篇小说《生》和《乡间的房子》以及一部长篇小说《傻瓜》。在长篇小说《沉没的方舟》中 ,瓦尔拉莫夫通过对布哈拉村社 30 0年历史的描写以及对留波领导的新新约教派的揭露 ,指出宗派主义一直是多年来困扰俄罗斯社会进步与发展的毒瘤。作者以现实主义的手法 ,反映了 2 0世纪 90年代俄罗斯社会宗教复兴的现实 ,揭示了在纷繁复杂、变幻莫测的俄罗斯社会中 ,宗教成为人们寻求精神寄托的场所。但作者对宗教又保持了冷静客观的态度 ,认为宗教 Alexey Varlammov (1 96 3-), an outstanding young writer active in the Russian literary world in recent years, is reputed to be a dazzling new star in the Russian literature sky. He is a graduate of the Department of Chinese at Moscow State University and holds a Ph.D. in literature, currently teaching at the university. 80’s began to publish works, there are more than a dozen novels and short stories. In 1996 due to novella “Health” and famous Russian literary world, won the first Russian anti-Prix Literature Award. In 1997, he published the novel “The Sinking Ark” in the large literary magazine “October”. Researchers of Russian literature in our country also quickly noticed the new star of the Russian literary world. From 1999 onwards, Varrahimov’s translations were published in magazines such as “World Literature”, “Russian Literature and Art” and “Contemporary Foreign Literature.” In January 2002, Foreign Literature Publishing House published a series of “Survivors” of Varlamov’s novels, translated by Professor Yu Yizhong of Nanjing University, which included two novella “syllables” and “ House ”and a novel“ Fool ”. In the novel The Sinking Ark, Walramov, through the description of the 30-year history of Bukhara village and the revelation of the New Testament denomination led by the stay wave, points out that sectarianism has been a problem that has plagued Russian society for many years Progress and development of cancer. The author’s realistic approach reflects the reality of the religious rejuvenation in Russian society in the 1990s and reveals that in the complex and unpredictable Russian society, religion has become the place where people seek spiritual support. However, the author maintains a calm and objective attitude toward religion and considers religion
材料:苦瓜1个,咸蛋黄3个,味精少许。 Material: 1 bitter gourd, 3 salted egg yolks, a little MSG.
目前,在人类放射生物学领域中,放射治疗和辐射防护都发生着重大的变化。放射治疗 Kallman拓宽了与放射治疗有关组织和细胞放射生物学的看法。他提议,在受照组织经典细胞反应