
来源 :中国宗教 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:weiwu
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今年是新世纪的头一年,也是“十五”计划的开局起步之年。宗教工作的开篇之作如何作?是一个值得广大宗教工作者关心的大问题。国家宗教局党组深入分析了新世纪宗教工作面临的新的形势和任务,明确提出今年宗教工作的主题和思路是坚持“两手抓”,一手抓“重心下沉,重在落实”,做到“责任到基层、管理打基础、长远固基本,全力保稳定”。一手抓“研究政策,制定法规”。这一思路具有鲜明的现实针对性和可操作性,是各地做好今年宗教工作的指针。为配合今年宗教工作思路的学习和宣传,本刊选载了湖南省益阳市民宗局以“服务大局、负重奋进”的精神为指导,扎扎实实做好基层宗教工作的做法和经验,希望能够带给大家有益的启迪。 This year marks the first year of the new century and also the starting year for the start of the 10th Five-Year Plan. How to make the opening of a religious work? It is a big issue worthy of the attention of religious workers. The party committee of the State Bureau of Religious Affairs conducted an in-depth analysis of the new situation and tasks confronting the religious work in the new century. It clearly stated that the theme and thinking of this year’s religious work are to adhere to the principle of “grasping each other with both hands”, “grasping the center of gravity and focusing on its implementation” and “ Responsibility to the grass-roots level, management foundation, long-term solid base, to ensure stability. ” One hand grasp “research policy, formulate laws and regulations.” This train of thought has a clear and realistic orientation and maneuverability and is the guideline for doing well this year’s religious work. In line with the study and propaganda of this year’s religious work train of thought, the magazine has selected the practice and experience of the Yiwu Municipal Bureau of Civil Affairs in Hunan Province as the guideline of “serving the overall interests and forging ahead with weight”, and has done a good job in carrying out the work of grassroots religious work in a down-to-earth manner. We hope Can bring useful enlightenment to everyone.
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