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锦山镇位于文昌市北部,地势平坦,交通方便,是文昌市北部贸易和农副产品集散中心。在改革开放大好形势下,锦山镇围绕以经济建设为中心,抓住机遇,务实拼搏,艰苦创业,奋发进取,从本地的实际出发,因地制宜,创造性地开展工作,经济建设取得辉煌成就。1998年全镇国内生产总值达3亿元,乡镇企业总产值8796万元,财政收入342万元,乡镇储蓄存款1.45亿元,农民人均纯收入3008元,成为椰乡文昌北部一颗闪耀的明星。强化农业主导地位,稳步发展农村经济锦山是农业重镇,镇委、镇政府自始至终把农业工作 Located in the northern part of Wenchang City, Jinshan Town enjoys a smooth and convenient transportation system and is the center for trade and agricultural products distribution in the northern part of Wenchang City. Taking the economic construction as the center, taking the opportunity, pragmatic hard work, arduous pioneering and making progress, Jinshan Town embarks on economic construction as its center, embarks on its work in a creative manner based on local conditions and achieves brilliant achievements in economic construction. In 1998, the town’s GDP reached 300 million yuan, the township enterprises’ total output value was 87.96 million yuan, the financial revenue was 3.42 million yuan, the township savings deposit was 145 million yuan, and the per capita net income of farmers was 3008 yuan, becoming the shining northern part of Coconut Township Wenchang Celebrity. Strengthen the dominance of agriculture, and steadily develop the rural economy Jinshan is the agricultural center, the town government, the town government throughout the agricultural work
Objective To investigate the efficacy of biphasic in-sulin aspart 50(BIAsp50)twice daily(bid)versus biphasic human insulin 50(BHI50)(bid)plus metformin on blood
遗尿是指5岁以上的儿童,夜间仍出现无意识排尿,是儿童的一种常见心理疾病。目前认为,采用心理、行为疗法治疗遗尿症,疗效显著。  心理治疗:首先必须向家长和患儿说明治疗的目的、方法及注意事项,以取得家长和患儿的密切配合。消除患儿紧张、恐惧的情绪,树立治愈疾病的信心。  遗尿可使患儿害羞、焦虑、恐惧及退缩。如果家长不顾及患儿的自尊心,采取打骂、惩罚的手段。可使患儿更加委屈,从而加重患儿的心理创伤,尿床不
本文论述300MW核电反应堆压力容器的主螺栓英制修正螺纹(6 1/8″-8UNR-2AMOD)环规的研究与设计。通过生产使用验证了该螺纹量规的设计原则和公差确定是合理的,保证了主螺栓拉
本文以阿魏酸为检测指标,用正交试验法研究益母生化冲剂的提取过程中不同的乙醇浓度、乙醇用量及提取时间对阿魏酸得率的影响。探讨最佳提取工艺。 In this paper, ferulic a
This paper systematically investigates the intermediate phases of YBa2Cu3O7-x (YBCO) film prepared by metalorganic deposition method using trifluoroacetates (TF