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遗产保护和软实力建设关涉社会诸多方面,它们在国家可持续发展战略中的地位和作用在不断提升;而对于二者之间关系的认知缺位,不仅会影响相应的理论研究,而且对社会的和谐发展也会造成不利影响。本文通过对遗产贡献于软实力建设的作用机制分析,提出遗产科学保护、合理使用以促进软实力建设的工作思路,旨在明确在当前国际形势下:遗产是软实力建设可资利用的战略资源,也是促进软实力提升的现实选择之一。一方面,遗产的保护、使用不仅关涉局部利益、部门利益,而且对改革发展关键时期中整个社会的凝聚力的提升发挥积极作用,理应在国家软实力建设层面的战略高度来统筹;另一方面,软实力建设不能流于理论形武,只有在同遗产资源的保护使用结合起来才能够落在实处,从而才能够真正发挥其建设性作用。 The protection of heritage and the construction of soft power are related to many aspects of society and their status and role in the national sustainable development strategy are constantly improving. However, the lack of cognition of the relationship between the two will not only affect the corresponding theoretical research, The harmonious development of society can also be adversely affected. Based on the analysis of the mechanism of contribution of heritage to the construction of soft power, this paper puts forward the working train of thought for the protection and rational use of heritage science to promote the construction of soft power. It aims to clarify that in the current international situation, heritage is a strategic resource for building soft power , But also one of the realistic options for promoting soft power. On the one hand, the protection and use of heritage not only involve the interests of the localities and departments, but also play an active role in promoting the cohesion of the entire society during the crucial period of reform and development and should be co-ordinated at a strategic height at the national soft power-building level. On the other hand, The construction of soft power can not be confused with theory. Only when it is combined with the protection and use of heritage resources can we implement it in a down-to-earth manner so that we can truly play its constructive role.
The present study aims to make a thermodynamic analysis of an ethylene cascade re-liquefaction system that consists of the following two subsystems: a liquefact
888.耳迷路硬化症(Carhart,R.),Arch Otolaryng,1968,78,№4,477—508(英文) 889.镫骨外科治疗耳硬化症(第一屆英国耳鼻喉科学会会議記要之二)J Laryng,1963,77,№10,钮骨足
一、概述约束——“八小时之外”的意义 法官职业的成熟以及社会对法官职业的期望的提高,自然引起了对法官的所有行为的关注——不仅是职务内的行为,而且包括职务外的行为,即“