根据全国卫生工作“八五”规划和中国农村“2000年人人享有卫生保健”目标对农村改厕工作的要求,我市把农村改厕工作纳入社会发展和村镇建设规划。经过近2年的努力,全市已建卫生厕所(指“四有三不”)14万户,普及率达83.8%。其中“三格式”无害化卫生户厕28802户,普及率达14.17%,无害化公厕175座。现结合实际谈一谈我们的做法和体会。1 做法
According to the requirements of the “Eighth Five-year” Plan for National Health Work and the goal of “Health for All for All in 2000” in rural areas in China, the municipality will include rural restroom work in the plans for social development and village and town construction. After nearly two years of hard work, the city has built 140,000 sanitary toilets (referring to “four or three noes”), with a penetration rate of 83.8%. Among them, 28,802 households with “three formats” innocuous toilets have a penetration rate of 14.17% and 175 innocent public toilets. Now let’s talk about our practices and understandings in the light of reality. 1 practice