Growth,Structural and Microhardness Studies on New Semiorganic Single Crystals of Calcium Para Nitro

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jy02191348
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Good quality crystals of calcium p-nitrophenolate(NPCa)were grown from saturated solution by slow evapo- ration method.The crystal structure analysis and the molecular arrangement of these crystals were determined using X-ray diffraction(XRD).From Single crystal XRD studies,NPCa is found to be crystallized in the mon- oclinic system with a space group P_(21)/n.The functional groups of the material were confirmed qualitatively by FTIR(Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy)spectral analysis.Optical absorption studies reveal the absorption region and microhardness studies were carried out to confirm the mechanical behaviour of the crystals. Good quality crystals of calcium p-nitrophenolate (NPCa) were grown from saturated solution by slow evaporation-ration method. The crystal structure analysis and the molecular arrangement of these crystals were determined using X-ray diffraction (XRD). , NPCa is found to be crystallized in the monoclinic system with a space group P_ (21) / n. The functional groups of the material were confirmed qualitatively by FTIR (Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy) spectral analysis. Optical absorption studies reveal the absorption region and microhardness studies were carried out to confirm the mechanical behavior of the crystals.
绕了一次弯路,多了几分智慧。 Around a detour, a bit more wisdom.
摘 要:在改革开放和发展社会主义市场经济条件下,军队思想政治教育的有效性主要体现在官兵思想与行为的转化上,即体现在对教育内容的接受与实践程度上。但是随着我国“四个多样化”的进一步深入发展,国际敌对势力对我军进行思想渗透活动的渠道增多,意识形态领域中指导思想一元化与多种社会思潮并存,这一切都给部队基层思想政治教育提出了新的挑战,对此本文从二个方面进行了研究与探索。  关键词:部队思想政治教育;官兵;
吴连登/口述宋美娅/整理    主席的一生是勤奋的、全心全意为人民服务的一生,回忆起来,好多好多的事情就在眼前,我们那时候天天见主席,怎么看怎么伟大,现在人们怀念他,是因为没有毛主席就没有中国人民的今天。    我从1964年到1976年毛主席去世,一直在主席家里管这个家,主席的家要说好管也好管,主席一分钱不拿,也不过问你怎么花。要说不好管,该花钱的地方,必须去花,主席买盒火柴、买包手纸都要花钱,
In order to prove up the interaction between konjac glucomannan (KGM) and other amyloses, by using KGM, guaran gum and carrageenan as materials, their blending
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主要人物:  倪赛:男,45岁,做过企业老板,现某直销公司的资深直销商。  伊琳:女,40岁,倪赛之妻,某中学教师。  倪硕彤:倪赛与伊琳之女,18岁,高中三年级学生。  倪俊:35岁,职业经理人,倪赛的妹妹,未婚。  何雁飞:女,30岁,女歌手,某直销公司的初级直销商。  吴天一:女,52岁,美籍华人,倪赛的推荐人。  楚步庭:男,22岁,某高校大学三年级学生,家庭贫困。  是她,何雁飞。倪赛穿