所谓药物流产法就是用“米非司酮”配伍“前列腺素”,以终止早期妊娠。它适用于停经49天内妊娠的妇女。药物流产可减轻流产者的痛苦,并可避免高危人流手术的困难。但从科学角度讲,药物流产并不尽善尽美,仍有5%~10%的服药者出现流产不完全和失败,最终还要采取清宫术。 如果你选择药物流产,要注意以下几点: 1、了解药物流产的适应症及禁忌症,避免药物流产过程中出现的
The so-called medical abortion method is to use “mifepristone” compatibility “prostaglandin” to terminate early pregnancy. It is suitable for pregnant women within 49 days of menopause. Medical abortion can reduce the suffering of abortion and avoid the difficulties of high-risk abortion. However, from a scientific point of view, medical abortion is not perfect, there are still 5% to 10% of those who take medication abortion is incomplete and failed, and ultimately taken to curettage. If you choose medical abortion, pay attention to the following points: 1, to understand the indications and contraindications for medical abortion, to avoid the emergence of drug abortion