
来源 :中华人民共和国最高人民检察院公报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:houzhuo111
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各省、自治区、直辖市人民检察院,军事检察院:国家赔偿法1995年1月1日起施行,这是我国社会主义民主法制建设中的一件大事。为了正确执行国家赔偿法,切实做好刑事赔偿工作,最高人民检察院《人民检察院刑事赔偿工作办法(试行)》,已经第八届检察委员会第二十二次会议讨论通过,现印发试行。一、各级检察机关要认真组织全体检察人员学习国家赔偿法,充分认识完善国家赔偿制度的重大意义,以积极严肃的态度对待刑事赔偿工作。在刑事诉讼中,检察机关及检察人员发生侵犯公民、法人和其他组织的合法权益造成损害时,要主动赔,认真赔,依法赔。要尽快建立和完善办案责任制和错案追究制,严肃执法纪律,提高执法水平,严格执法,秉公办案。二、抓紧抓好刑事赔偿工作任务的落实,各级人民检察院的控告申诉检察部门要切实负起责任,认真承办刑事赔偿工作,保证这项工作有人管,有着落。高检院和各省级院在控告申诉检察部门内设立刑事赔偿工作办公室,配备相适应的业务骨干。三、各级检察机关的领导对这项工作要予以高度重视,亲自抓。上级检察院要及时了解和掌握下级院执行国家赔偿法的情况,加强业务指导。各地对执行国家赔偿法和《人民检察院刑事赔偿工作办法(试行)》过程中遇到的问题,要加强调查研究,及时总结办理刑事赔偿案件的经验。有关实施国家赔偿法工作的部署、工作情况以及工作中遇到的问题,应及时向高检院报告。 The People’s Procuratorates and Military Procuratorates of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government: The State Compensation Law came into force on January 1, 1995, a major event in the construction of China’s socialist democracy and legal system. In order to correctly implement the State Compensation Law and effectively carry out criminal compensation work, the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, “People’s Procuratorate Criminal Compensation Measures (Trial)” has been discussed and approved by the Eighth Committee of the Eighth Procuratorial Committee and is now being issued for trial. 1. Procuratorial organs at all levels should conscientiously organize all prosecutors to study the law of state compensation, fully understand the great significance of improving the state compensation system, and treat criminal compensation work with a positive and serious attitude. In criminal proceedings, procuratorial organs and procuratorates shall, in the event of any infringement of the lawful rights and interests of citizens, legal persons and other organizations, cause damages proactively, conscientiously and in accordance with the law. We must establish and improve the accountability system for handling cases as soon as possible and the system for investigating the wrong cases, seriously enforce the law and discipline, raise the level of law enforcement, strictly enforce the law and handle cases impartially and impartially. Second, we must pay close attention to the implementation of the task of criminal compensation work. People’s procuratorates at all levels should prosecute the procuratorial organs of prosecution to effectively take the responsibility and conscientiously undertake criminal compensation work to ensure that this work has been managed and controlled. The High Procuratorate and provincial-level courts set up offices for criminal reparation within the prosecution and prosecution departments of prosecution and are equipped with the appropriate business backbone. Third, leaders of procuratorial organs at all levels should attach great importance to this work and personally arrest them. The procuratorate at a higher level should keep abreast of and understand the situation in which the lower court exercises the State Compensation Law, and strengthen its business guidance. All localities should step up investigation and study of the implementation of the State Compensation Law and the Measures for the Work of Criminal Compensation (Trial) of the People’s Procuratorate, and summarize the experience of handling criminal compensation cases in a timely manner. The deployment, work conditions and problems encountered in the work concerning the implementation of the State Compensation Law should be reported to the High Court of Justice in time.
隐居  五十知天命。我决定  不再与命运对抗。其实  早已厌倦了虚与委蛇  在一张脸色上卜算前程  成与败,得与失,自有天命  寻一隅净幽之地,少有人迹  青山拥围,一条小溪潺缓  流过,出口逼仄,如石门  关了浮世。自此可六根清净  两耳不闻窗外事,一心只读  圣贤书。房子不必大,三间  茅庐即可,柴门,柴窗  屋后青山不高,有小径  通幽,爬一段,于山梁  小歇,抱膝长啸;再爬  一段,入无名
据印度农药制造与加工企业协会(PMFAI)主席Pradeep Dave先生提供的评估报告称,2007年印度植保用农药市场销售值达到11.3亿美元,比上一年增长7.7%。非作物用农药销售达3.7亿美
1.哭族兄成纪先生辞世远行  序:族兄讳成纪王先生,因罹患胃癌多年,医治无效,阖然长逝,年七十一岁。余夙夜奔往送之,途中草成此诗,以吊兄长在天之灵安息。  即使山花春又白,生死见惯亦伤怀。  翠竹掩映偏僻地,茱萸摇曳贫瘠宅。  草木荣枯成代谢,躯体明灭生悲哀。  七十年尽兄且去,秋山有情放华彩。  2、观梅即成  纵有诗情寄衷怀,经年始见梅花开。  一枝疏影横窗外,几盆清香唤客来。  梅妻未嫁心先
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大宋就像一个打碎的青花瓷器,随便捡上一片,都是那样的叮当有声、清脆悦耳,那样的清幽淡远,每一片都带着残缺的忧郁之美,每一片都沾满了宋词的印迹。  一个文盛武弱的中原王朝,生存在风雨飘摇之中。四周是强盛的金、辽和西夏,面对无休止的边关侵扰,宋代人依然秉持士子的骨气和静气,创造出独具特色的宋词、绘画、书法和青花瓷器,文化艺术和经济科技全面提升,把华夏文明推向了一个历史的高峰,这不能不说是一个奇迹。  