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本期,华丰、丁桥板块共成交238套,明显回落。上东城和元都新景依旧强势,分别成交了104套和86套。虽然只成交了31套,但本期桦枫居无疑是该板块的明星。光是3000元/平方米的涨势,足以让人咋舌。记者于开盘的第二天致电询问,被告知已无小户型可售。记者了解到,4号楼位置、景观最好,而且房源仅有90余套,南区预计还有近一年的时间才面市,在这一年的时间里,暂时没有新房源推出,所以4号楼如果一时卖不完,完全可以花一年的时间慢慢消化,涨价是必然的。另外,北区最后一幢楼的涨价,也给了明年要推的南区的价格定了一个基调。由于南区从位置、户型、小区内环境都比北区略好,特别是南区的位置远离了北区东北角的110kv变电站,这将大大解除购房者的后顾之忧。而且华丰板块一直是价值低洼地区,被低估,现在大润发超市等配套利好出现,加之地铁3号线规划的调整,价格就上去了。 This issue, Huafeng, Dingqiao plate a total of 238 sets of transactions, significantly lower. On the East Side and the yuan are still strong new scene, respectively, 104 sets and 86 sets of transactions. Although only 31 sets of transactions, but the current Cheng Hwa Habitat is undoubtedly the star of the plate. Light is 3,000 yuan / square meter of gains, enough to make people speechless. The reporter telephoned the next day the opening inquiry, was told no small unit available for sale. This reporter has learned that the location of Building 4, the best landscape, and the availability of only 90 sets, the Southern District is expected to have nearly a year before the market, in this year’s time, there is no new housing launch, Therefore, Building 4, if one can not sell for a while, can spend a year slowly digested, price increases are inevitable. In addition, the price hike of the last building in North District has also set a tone for the price of the southern district to be pushed next year. As the Southern District from the location, size, the environment within the district slightly better than the North, especially the southern location away from the northeast corner of the North 110kv substation, which will greatly relieve the buyers worry. And Huafeng plate has been a low-lying areas, are undervalued, and now RT-Mart and other supporting facilities appear good, with the adjustment of the Metro Line 3 planning, the price went up.
In recent years, several large and medium-sized ore deposits have been discovered in the shallow cover of Xuancheng, Anhui Province, indicating that this area h