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一条耗资72.8亿元,全长65.3公里,沿线分布147座桥梁,气势恢宏,举世瞩目的城市交通大动脉。一条建设等级之高、里程之长、投资之巨均史无前例的城市快速干线。它穿过朝阳、海淀、丰台三区;途经亚运村、中关村、海淀镇、丰台镇、丰台高科技园区、北京经济技术开发区(亦庄)、东郊电子城等经济热点区域;跨越通惠河、肖太后河、亮马河等30余处河渠与湖泊,并与首都机场、京通、京沈、京津塘、京开、京石等高速公路,数十条城市干道和东效铁路编组站、京包、城市轻轨等10余处铁路相交。一条被命名为“绿色申奥大道”的幸运之路,它的两侧绿树成荫、青草环绕,相当于10个颐和园的绿化景观,曾使北京在世界的眼睛中为之一亮,2008年奥运举办权最终花落北京。一条凝党心,聚民愿的富民大道。其全线共拆迁居民5000户、企业、机关、学校670个,拆除原有市政管线337公里;而主路两侧新埋设水、电、气、热等7类十数条市政公用管线,总长度600公里。其建成通车时间,则不足3年。一条改善沿红投资环境、带动周边乃至全市经济发展的腾飞之路。据初步测算,仅未来10至15年,沿线房地产开发趋热,将吸引大约120万北京市民定居在沿线小区,其土地增值效益将为沿线房地产业带来高达300亿元的收益,在其巨额投资的拉动下,北京市GDP将增加343亿元;其通车后产生的巨大的运输经济效益,每年亦将以数十亿计。一项工程质量优良品率达93%以上、概算降抵以10亿元计的节约工程。——这就是四环路,一条连通今天和未来的希望之路。 A cost of 7.28 billion yuan, a total length of 65.3 kilometers, along the distribution of 147 bridges, magnificent, world-renowned city traffic arteries. A city with a high level of construction, long mileage and unprecedented investment in the city’s rapid trunk line. It passes through Chaoyang, Haidian, Fengtai District; passing through the Asian Games Village, Zhongguancun, Haidian, Fengtai, Fengtai Hi-Tech Park, Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone (Yizhuang), the eastern suburbs of electronic city and other economic hot spots; Xiao Taihou River, Liangma River and other more than 30 rivers and lakes, and with the Capital Airport, Beijing Tong, Beijing and Shenyang, Beijing and Tianjin Tong, Beijing open, Beijing-Shijiazhuang Expressway, dozens of urban trunk roads and East-line railway marshalling yard , Beijing package, the city light rail more than 10 railway intersection. A lucky road named as “Green Olympic Boulevard”, with green trees on both sides and green grass, equivalent to the green landscape of 10 Summer Palace, has once made Beijing one of the bright spots in the eyes of the world. The right to host the Olympics eventually flies to Beijing. A concentration of the heart, people’s will to enrich the people Avenue. A total of 670 residents, enterprises, institutions and schools were demolished across the board and 337 kilometers of original municipal pipelines were demolished. There are 7 municipal public pipelines covering 7 categories including water, electricity, gas and heat buried on both sides of the main road. The total length 600 kilometers. The completion of its opening hours, then less than 3 years. A way to improve the investment environment along the red, driving around the city and even the economic development of the take-off. According to preliminary estimates, in the next 10 to 15 years, real estate development along the hot trend will attract about 1.2 million Beijing residents settled in the district along the line, its land appreciation benefits will bring real estate along the line up to 30 billion yuan in revenue, in its huge Driven by investment, the GDP of Beijing will increase by 34.3 billion yuan. The enormous economic benefits of transportation after its opening to traffic will also reach billions of dollars each year. A project of good quality rate of 93% or more, the estimated budget dropped to 10 billion dollars in savings projects. This is the Fourth Ring Road, a road of hope that connects today with the future.
谢晋,对于中国电影界人来说,可谓风流人物。自1957年因执导《女篮五号》一举成名,他统领中国电影风骚不下30年,被海外影评家誉为“当今国际影坛上最有名望的中国人”。 现已