
来源 :黑龙江自动化技术与应用 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nene7
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黑龙江省自动化学会干1994年7月23日—25日在吉林松花湖召开了第四届会员代表大会暨学术交流年会.理事长王广雄教授在会上作了第三届理事会工作报告.报告总结了学会在三届理事会期间开展学术交流的情况,对我学会每年召开学术交流年会作了肯定,并对我学会与黑龙江省科学院自动化研究所合办的刊物《黑龙江自动化技术与应用》在学术交流方面所起的作用也作了肯定.年会和刊物的按期出版,加强了我省自动控制界的团结.活跃了我省的学术气氛.扩大了我省自动控制界在国内的影响,也为我省的人才成长作出了积极的贡献. Heilongjiang Institute of Automation, July 24, 1994 -25 days held in Songhua Lake, Jilin Province, the Fourth Member Congress and academic exchange annual meeting .Wang Guangxiong, chairman of the Board made the third report of the work of the Council. Summed up the academic Council during the third session of the academic exchanges, I learn to hold an annual academic exchange annual meeting affirmed and I learn and Heilongjiang Academy of Sciences Institute of Automation joint publication “Heilongjiang Automation Technology and Applications” The role played in the academic exchange has also been affirmed.Organization and publication of the publication on schedule, and strengthen the unity of the province’s automatic control community .Abundant academic atmosphere in our province .Expanded the province of the automatic control community in the country , But also for the province’s talent development has made a positive contribution.
Multichannel audio signal is more difficult to be compressed than mono and stereo ones.A novel multichannel audio signal compression method based on tensor repr
对于初接触加工中心的维修人员来说,出现故障时,往往无从下手.这时如借助于系统诊断功能,无疑有很大的帮助,来个以“软”促“硬”,下面举例说明.1.相序问题 使用北京第三机床