Preparation of silybin 23-esters and evaluation of their inhibitory ability against LPO and DNA prot

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kaijiyu
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Twelve 23-esterified silybin derivatives with different patterns of substituents such as aromatic and aliphatic groups(1-12) were designed and synthesized.The antioxidative properties of these compounds were evaluated.The modified silybin analogues exhibited improved inhibitory effects against rat liver homogenate lipid peroxidation compared to silybin,with exception of the trimethoxylated ester(5) and the aliphatic one(9).Compounds 3,5,7,8 and 11 displayed their protective properties on DNA cleavage in a dose-dependent manner. Twelve 23-esterified silybin derivatives with different patterns of substituents such as aromatic and aliphatic groups(1-12) were designed and synthesized.The modified silybin analogues exhibited improved inhibitory effects against rat liver homogenate lipid peroxidation Compared to silybin, with exception of the trimethoxylated ester(5) and the aliphatic one(9).Compounds 3,5,7,8 and 11 displayed their protective properties on DNA cleavage in a dose-dependent manner.
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