
来源 :宁波党政论坛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fragishsss
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浙东敌后抗日根据地,战略位置十分重要,为抗日战争时期全国19块解放区之一。本文试就浙东抗日民主政权的特点作一探究,以此纪念中国抗旧战争胜利和世界反法西斯战争胜利50周年。 由于浙东抗日民主政权,是在斗争环境十分残酷的条件下建立的。因此,它有自己的显著特点。 首先,政权形式随着形势变化而不断发展。逐步完善。1941年5月,党领导的“宗德三大”和“五支四大”的浦东抗日武装南渡杭州湾,来到浙东三北,在当地党组织的配合下,立即开展了抗日游击战争,在相公殿,长溪岭、施公山、横河等地连歼日寇告捷,极大地鼓舞了浙东人民的抗日斗志.为了保障部队后勤供给,壮大人民武装,扩 The anti-Japanese base area behind enemy lines in east Zhejiang was of great strategic importance and one of 19 liberated areas throughout the country during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. This article attempts to explore the characteristics of the anti-Japanese democratic government in eastern Zhejiang in order to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the victory of China in the anti-old war and the victory of the world anti-fascist war. Since the anti-Japanese democratic government in eastern Zhejiang was established under very cruel conditions in the struggle environment, Therefore, it has its own salient features. First, the form of power continues to evolve as the situation changes. Gradually improve. In May 1941, the Pudong Anti-Japanese Armed Forces, led by the party’s “Three Big Three” and “Five Big Four,” crossed the southern border to Hangzhou Bay and went to the three northern Zhejiang provinces. With the cooperation of the local party organizations, they immediately launched anti-Japanese guerrillas The war and even the victories of the Japanese with the annihilation of the Japanese annals at the Xianggong Temple, Changxi Ridge, Shi Gong Mountain and Yokogawa greatly encouraged the resistance of the people of eastern Zhejiang to the war of resistance against Japanese aggression. In order to safeguard the logistical supplies of the armed forces and strengthen the people’s armed forces,
第一讲信息经济学的主要领域信息经济学(Economics of Information)是从不同侧面、不同角度对信息进行经济研究的新兴综合性学科.由于信息经济学的研究者分别来自经济学界、