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不久前,耶鲁医学院外科医生把选好的一个3个月前流产胎儿的神经细胞移植到一位48岁妇女的脑内。她患帕金森氏症已达21年之久,症状是严重的震颤,肌肉强直和运动障碍。这种创造性的脑移植术的远期疗效尚需几个月后做出评价。但是美国、欧洲、中国、古巴、墨西哥的科学家日益确信人胎儿和其他神经组织的微细脑移植,终会证明:在与神经系病症(如帕金森氏症)做斗争中这将是最为有力的新式武器。除有巨大意义的医疗应用外,神经组织移植还为基础研究提供了一个独特的工具,能使科学家更深入地窥探大脑自身的奥秘。在一个研究者看来,至少,移植的细胞如何发挥作用以及用以治疗疼痛、抑郁、药物 Not long ago, Yale Medical School surgeons transplanted selected neurons of a fetus fetus of 3 months ago into the brain of a 48-year-old woman. She has been suffering from Parkinson’s disease for 21 years and has symptoms of severe tremor, muscular rigidity and dyskinesia. The long-term efficacy of this creative brain transplant still needs to be evaluated after a few months. But scientists in the United States, Europe, China, Cuba and Mexico are increasingly convinced that micro-brain transplantation in human fetuses and other nervous tissues will eventually prove that this will prove to be the most powerful in the fight against neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s disease New weapons. In addition to the medical applications of great significance, the transplantation of neural tissue provides a unique tool for basic research that enables scientists to more in-depth look into the mysteries of the brain itself. In the opinion of one researcher, at least, how does the transplanted cells work and how to treat pain, depression, drugs
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蒋雯丽是一个幸福的女人,不仅事业有成,还有着十多年的美满婚姻和一个3岁的宝贝儿子。她的戏里总有种东西让人感动,她的幸福婚姻也让人羡慕不已。而这些,是与她的平和淡定的性格和处世态度分不开的。    幸福着父母的幸福    蒋雯丽的父亲是工程师,母亲是铁路局话务员,都比较喜爱文艺。蒋雯丽小时候,父亲就经常买给她世界名著、名画看,母亲则送她学体操和舞蹈。  父母都是那种很内敛的人,对蒋雯丽现在的成绩与名