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为了缩短缢蛏中间培育周期,快速培育大规格商品苗种,试验稚贝放养的适宜规格和密度,2016年11月至2016年12月,在250 m~2的露天大型水泥池培育稚贝,并混养少量脊尾白虾。研究了不同泥土厚度(3cm、6 cm),养殖密度对大、小2种规格稚贝的壳长、壳高、体质量和存活率的影响。底泥厚度影响稚贝体形的生长,规格越大所需底泥厚度越厚,大规格稚贝在6.0 cm和3.0 cm的壳长分别为20.25±0.03 mm、18.58±0.06 mm(P<0.05)。大、小规格稚贝的存活率分别为81.83%±0.69%、65.74%±0.83%;养殖密度影响稚贝的生长速度,稚贝规格和养殖密度的综合效果显示,大规格稚贝(10万粒/kg、壳长0.890±0.024 cm)适宜的放养密度为1.0~1.5万粒/m~2;小规格稚贝(20万粒/kg、壳长0.488±0.035 cm)适宜的放养密度为3.0~5.0万粒/m~2。培育30 d后,14.4 kg大规格稚贝收获196.4 kg,96.6%达到1.5~2.0 cm商品苗种;8.8 kg小规格稚贝收获苗种144.6 kg,68.4%达到1.5~2.0 cm商品苗种。探究了稚贝在水泥池进行中间培育的可行性,缩短了中间培育周期,能为缢蛏的规模化、集约化养殖提供优质、健康的大规格苗种。 In order to shorten the middle cycle of catfish cultivation, rapidly cultivate large-sized commodity seedlings and test suitable size and density of juveniles for stocking. From November 2016 to December 2016, juveniles were cultured in open-air large-sized concrete ponds of 250 m 2 Mixed a small amount of ridge tail white shrimp. The effects of different soil thicknesses (3 cm, 6 cm) and stocking density on the shell length, shell height, body weight and survival rate of juveniles of two sizes were studied. The thickness of the sediment affected the growth of juvenile body. The larger the required size, the thicker the sediment was. The shell length of the large size juvenile at 6.0 cm and 3.0 cm was 20.25 ± 0.03 mm and 18.58 ± 0.06 mm, respectively (P <0.05) . The survival rates of juvenile and juvenile were 81.83% ± 0.69% and 65.74% ± 0.83%, respectively. The effects of stocking density on juvenile growth rate, juvenile specification and stocking density showed that the survival rate of juvenile The suitable stocking density was 1.0-15,000 / m ~ 2 for small grains and 0.848 ± 0.035 cm for shell length, and the suitable stocking density was 3.0 ~ 50,000 / m ~ 2. After 30 d of cultivation, juveniles with large size of 14.4 kg harvested 196.4 kg and 96.6% reached 1.5-2.0 cm commercial seedlings; harvested seeds of 8.8 kg small-sized juveniles 144.6 kg and 68.4% reached 1.5-2.0 cm commercial seedlings. Explore the juveniles in the cement pool in the middle of cultivation is feasible, shorten the middle of the incubation period, for large scale, intensive breeding to provide high quality, healthy large-size seed.
我记得那年韩寒的出现就像现在的F4一样,大家都当偶像来追,那时我对韩寒的看法并没有现在对F4那样恶心。他们都长得帅,F4除了这个就没了,韩寒还有才。 I remember that Han
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