Typical Survey and Research on Returning-home Migrant Workers' Entrepreneurship in Jiangxi Prov

来源 :Asian Agricultural Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huahua_yang
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In order to study the entrepreneurship situation of Jiangxi return migrant workers after the financial crisis,we have conducted a survey on 107 entrepreneurial return migrant workers in 6 counties of Jiangxi Province.The results show that the return of migrant workers is mainly attributed to personal factors,while social factors are also very important.The major difficulties facing return migrant workers are the funding difficulties,complicated formalities to start a business,difficulty in safeguarding their rights and interests,their own low quality and so on.The support needed by the return migrant workers from the government is manifested in five aspects,say,to improve the service and management for the entrepreneurship of migrant workers,to provide financing policy support,to increase the preferential fiscal and taxation policies,to enhance the entrepreneurship training and to provide preference for the return migrant workers to use land. In order to study the entrepreneurship situation of Jiangxi return migrant workers after the financial crisis, we have conducted a survey on 107 entrepreneurial return migrant workers in 6 counties of Jiangxi Province. The results show that the return of migrant workers is mainly attributed to personal factors , while social factors are also very important. Major lack facing return migrant workers are the funding difficulties, complicated formalities to start a business, difficulty in safeguarding their rights and interests, their own low quality and so on. support needed by the return migrant workers from the government is manifested in five aspects, say, to improve the service and management for the entrepreneurship of migrant workers, to provide financing policy support, to increase the preferential fiscal and taxation policies, to enhance the entrepreneurship training and to provide preference for the return migrant workers to use land.
当幸存的孩子历经劫难被人从废墟里救出,当他们自己在废墟中勇敢地爬出,我们从电视画面中看到:他们的眼神中依然透出少年的坚强和沉着,以及对未来不言放弃的信念!他们的表现出人意外,令人感动!  大自然以无情的力量摧毁着一切,在汶川大地震中,在血与泪的悲痛中,涌现了一批少年英雄。少年强,则国强,他们勇敢坚强和舍己救人的精神,是民族的希望!    最令人敬畏英雄 郎铮    在地震发生十余小时后,一个满脸是
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