Successful Businessman and Philanthropic Citizen

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“Lake under the sun shines like a mirror, with glistening waves of green. Fishes swim in rows, baby mallards not awakened by footsteps.” This is a poem written by Wang Shan of the Qing Dynasty depicting the tranquility of the Shang Lake in Changzhou City, East China’s Jiangsu Province. Compared with the calmness of the Shang Lake, the business world is much more billowy. In the sea of business, there are not many helmsmen who could steer the boats safely against growling billows with ease and confidence.
Lien Yuanchang, Chairman of Commercial Best Mart S.R.L., is one of such helmsmen. Mr. Lien started his business overseas from scratch 30 years ago, and is now running an international company with diversified businesses. The past years have seen his great achievements despite countless hardships on the way.
Starting overseas from scratch
1982年,他创立了元丰国际有限公司(Commercial? Best?Mart?S.R.L.),妻子负责店里业务,他则负责寻找新的商品。开始是向别人拿货,后来自己寻找供货商,从香港、大陆、日本等地进货,并设法在美国设立发货仓库。
In a peaceful tone, Mr. Lien shared his entrepreneurship and life experience with China’s Foreign Trade.
Paraguay in South America is the place where Mr. Lien started to do business. He had this idea of opening a store in Paraguay in the beginning of the 1980s after graduation from the Department of Journalism of Chinese Culture University in Taiwan. “At that time, my aunt had a store in Paraguay. But with limited funding, she had to buy only a dozen or half a dozen products at wholesale from Hong Kong businessmen. The small-sized business did not bring much profit. She wept out her difficulty to my mother, who then began to help her source products from Taiwan,” Lien told our reporters.
Mr. Lien founded Commercial Best Mart S.R.L. in 1982. At that point, her wife ran the store and he kept looking for new products to sell. He started by buying commodities at wholesale, and later had his own suppliers in Hong Kong, mainland China, Japan and other regions. He managed to set up a shipping warehouse in the United States.
At the beginning, Lien mainly dealt in umbrella and ornament. He began to expand the scope of his business to include toys, gifts, stationary, household goods, etc., in 1982 when he leased a shopping mall. Not liking the bad environment surrounding the mall, he decided to build one of his own. Now, he has five shopping malls in Paraguay.
Things did not go smoothly for him as a new comer in Paraguay. “As a total stranger, I suffered some losses,” said Mr. Lien. He suffered losses due to unfamiliarity with local laws. “They have very powerful unions actively protecting the rights of workers. Lawyers would even go through lengths to use local labor law to put pressure on enterprises. For example, my company allowed workers to rest in the company from 12:00am to 1:00pm. But we were sued for this kind action, since local laws stipulate it as working time.”
“A fall into a pit, a gain in your wit.” “We did not consider that as discrimination against foreign enterprises. Instead, we tried to adapt to the local society and laws. Only by doing this can we develop,” Lien said.
The public security environment in Paraguay was not very good. Mr. Lien risked his own safety to negotiate with the local government and set up teams, in order to protect the property and safety of his company and fellow Taiwanese.
Despite all the hardships, “I’ve always had a good wife having my back. She has given me the strongest support,” Lien said pleasantly.
Wise business management
With booming business in Paraguay, Mr. Lien began to expand into neighboring nations such as Brazil and the United States. He won the 5th Overseas Chinese Entrepreneurial Role Model Award for his wise business management.
He has creative ideas. “A little thought will distinguish us from others,” he told the reporters. For example, he said, “When I just arrived there, we dealt in shells, rings, umbrellas, and etc. We embossed shells with golden wire first by hand and later by machine. And we laced the umbrella to beautify them as early as 30 years ago. We also provided good quality umbrella bags, instead of disposable ones.
When operating shopping malls, Lien decided to change the operating pattern of his company. Previously he imported goods from Japan and wholesale to others, or be the sole agent of Hong Kong high-class products and sell locally. In order to diversity his products, he began to import from the Mainland, Indonesia, Vietnam and other places. Having got a firm
foot hold, he and some Taiwan businessmen jointly established the Cathay Bank.
Now Mr. Lien runs shopping malls and stores
at the same time. With regard to his principle on operation and management, he said, “I try to rent the spaces of the shopping malls. If I have my own store in the mall, I would try to sell different products than those sold by my clients. I would think in the position of my clients, and have long-term cooperation with them.”
Asked about his marketing strategy, Lien said, “The U.S. market is large, so Commercial Best Mart S.R.L. established a shipping warehouse in Los Angeles. To reduce inventory, we stock a great variety of products, each in a small amount. The number of containers was reduced to over 100 per yea from the previously over 1000.”
Home products now account for nearly 60% of his company’s turnover. The rest was taken by gifts, toys, computer accessories, etc. The company has gradually established recognized brands of home products and wholesale toys.
“As consumers have different requirements for the style and function of commodities, we have to wait until the second-time order to know whether a product sells good or not, and decide whether to increase the inventory of it. We target middle- and upper-class customers, as profit is high and competition is less fierce in that stratum,” Lien told the reporters.
Asked about his sales strategy, Mr. Lien said, “We use the strategy of ‘Sit-and-Sell’ –sitting in the store, and waiting for the customers to come.”
“We of course have customer profiles, including their contact information, and the information we captured in conversation with them. We also sell actively. We used to attend local exhibitions to find sales agents. But now we have a wide variety of products, each in a small amount, so we participate in shows less often,” he added.
Mr. Lien attached great importance to after-sales service.“We have been emphasizing after-sales service since very early. For example, we have many maintenance points in Brazil for the monitors we sell. Customers can buy our monitors in Paraguay and get them repaired in Brazil.”
Talking about the financial turmoil, Lien said, “We have not been affected, as our capital turnover is mainly in the form of cash. But weak demand in the local market has some impact on us. It is difficult to repeat the success in the golden years from 1986 to 1994.”
Mr. Lien fully trusts its staff. It didn’t have many staff at the beginning. Most of the management was Chinese. Mr. Lien believed that the company’s success should be attributed to the hard work of its employees. Therefore, he takes good care of his employees. He doesn’t make all the decisions in the company, but give full trust to his staff. “Many of my staff has worked with me for 30 years, thanks to mutual trust and win-win collaboration.”Anyone who has worked for more than three years in his company is offered the opportunity to be promoted, and given bonuses or an apartment of over 100 sqm.
Enthusiastic in public good
In Paraguay, Mr. Lien did not only focus on expanding his business, but also on contributing to the local community. His company hires a large number of local workers, and gives aids to poor people every year.
“First we worked with the municipal government. But they didn’t have good management. So we asked the Bishop to give our relief supplies to those in need. Our aids once reached as many as 5000 families,” he said.
Having noticed the backwardness of medical care in Paraguay, Mr. Lien built a hospital, which was taken over by the local Health Department and provides free medical care to the patient. “We imported 3000 baby boxes from Taiwan ten years ago. The first baby to use the box ten years ago is now very healthy. Her mother was very thankful. We are very happy to see that.”
Besides, Mr. Lien, together with other Chinese businessmen, made donations to Asuncion University of Paraguay, to set up scholarships for students from financiallystricken families.
Lien is also caring of oversea Chinese. Making good use of Taiwan resources, Lien helped Chinese businessmen in Paraguay improve their business operation and realize business transformation. In order to help Chinese companies in Paraguay break through operation bottlenecks, he actively sought solutions with Commissioners of Overseas Affairs in such aspects as investment climate assessment, businesses, situations and difficulties of Chinese companies in Paraguay. In order to help overseas Chinese businessmen resolving financial problems, he made great efforts to get Chinatrust Commercial Bank set up a branch in Paraguay to provide financing service to overseas Chinese.
With more and more Chinese settling down in Paraguay, the education of their children became a major problem. In order to address the problem and to pass on the Chinese culture, Mr. Lien proposed and built Zhongshan Chinese School, the first Chinese school in Ciudad del Este City of Paraguay, with funding from himself and other Chinese businessmen there. For 20 years, he has been sending free books from Taiwan to this school, which was renamed Zhongzheng School of Asuncion, and some other schools in Paraguay.
In addition, he donates scholarships on a regular basis to overseas Chinese who return to study in Taiwan junior colleges and for children of Chinese teachers working overseas who come back to Taiwan to go to college.
Presence in mainland China
Even though Mr. Lien has been living overseas, he has paid close attention to the rapid economic development in mainland China. He feels obliged to seek investment opportunities here and make some contributions.
“We have been working for many years overseas. But we don’t want to be alone. We would like to bring our capital and experience back to our motherland and seek common development,” he said emotionally.
The signing of the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) in 2010 ushered in new historical opportunities for economic and trade cooperation across the straits. Mr. Lien is an active supporter of ECFA and the Ma Ying-jeou administration. He said win-win economic and trade cooperation between the two sides is the common aspiration of Taiwan businessmen.
He believed time was right for investment in the Mainland last year, and started to work on it. The interview was conducted when Mr. Lien was in Beijng on the Overseas Taiwan Businessmen Investment Tour held by the AllChina Federation of Taiwan Compatriots. Mr. Lien said he visited business hotels, restaurants and other projects. He has purchased stakes in Greentree Inn hotel chain in Shanghai. His Baby Doll restaurant has been admitted to the Ningbo Business Center. He is now looking at a mineral water production project in Changbai Mountain.
“We are more interested in the model of chain operation. In the future we will also offer special training for business hotels, restaurants and other service industries, to help train personnel and promote economic development in the Mainland.”
Lien’s daughter is studying in Peking University as an exchange student. “A better knowledge of China will be helpful to her as a businesswoman in the future.”
Now the Chinese government encourages domestic enterprises to go global. “This is a good thing for Chinese enterprises investing overseas. But they need to be familiar with local laws, and have frequent consultation with fellow Chinese enterprises, chambers of commerce, and industrial associations, so as to avoid unnecessary losses. They should also hire local people who have a better understanding of the local market,” Lien told the reporters.
As honorary president of the World Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce, honorary president of the World Federation of Chinese Traders Alumni, Lien Yuanchang is expecting a new wave of development. He expressed his hope to establish his own brands in the catering and service industries in the Mainland in the future.
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