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链接式阅读教学的内涵是,以学生为主体、以教材为原点、以教师为引导,充分发挥课文中蕴涵的文化因子的辐射作用,共同探寻、链接相关阅读材料,使阅读的触角伸向文本的文化源头、作者的人生感悟和学生的生命体验,拓宽阅读视野,提高阅读效率,从而实现立足文本又超越文本的“大阅读”境界,让学生在有限的时间内获得最大的阅读效果,真正提高学生的阅读效率。这就要求语文教师必须把握课程标准,紧扣文本,立足课堂实践,将文本与课外阅读有机整合,进行链接式阅读教学。如何进行小学语文链接式阅读教学是我近年来研究的一个重点课题。本文谈论的重点是如何创新链接式阅读教学法,在有限的时间内让学生获得最大化的阅读效益,构建学生课内外阅读的科学体系。 The connotation of the link reading teaching is to take the students as the main body, the teaching materials as the starting point, teachers as the guide, give full play to the radiating effect of the cultural factors contained in the text, explore and link related reading materials together, and make the reading tentacles reach the text The source of the culture, the author’s perception of life and students’ life experience, broaden their reading horizons and improve reading efficiency, so as to achieve “reading” realm based on text and text, so that students get the maximum reading effect in a limited period of time , Really improve students’ reading efficiency. This requires language teachers must grasp the curriculum standards, closely linked to the text, based on the practice of the classroom, the text and organic integration of reading outside the classroom, for reading teaching. How to carry out primary school Chinese reading teaching is one of the key topics that I have studied in recent years. This article discusses the key point is how to innovate the teaching method of reading, so that students can maximize their reading efficiency within a limited period of time and build a scientific system of reading both inside and outside the class.
Driven by a series of proactive policies to expand domestic demand and certain recovery in external demand,in 2010 China’s copper processing industry continued
知识经济是一种正在成长和发育过程中的经济形态,尽管人们在理论上对它的认识还很初步,需要更深入地研究和探讨,但是,有一点可以肯定,那就是对这一领域 Knowledge economy