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山东省牟平县水道镇果树技术员吕书玲,经多年研究探索出一套桃苗当年育砧、当年嫁接、当年出圃的新技术。他培育的砧木不缺株断垄,当年嫁接的桃苗,一般高80~100厘米,秋后即可出圃栽植。其经验是:一、种子处理 将当年采收的山桃种子择优去劣后,于封冻时把选好的种子放在70~80℃的热水中浸泡24小时后,捞起置于筐中,按10厘米左右的厚度摊平,在室外冷冻2~3天。然后再用同样温度的热水浸泡12小时,又冷冻2~3天,再用细沙将种子 Lu Shu-ling, a fruit tree technician at Shuipu Town, Muping County, Shandong Province, explored a set of new techniques for grafting peach seedlings, then grafting, and then nursery. He cultivated the rootstock is no shortage of broken ridge, then grafted peach, generally high 80 to 100 cm, after the autumn can be planted nursery. The experience is: First, the seed treatment will be the year to harvest the preferred selection of offal to the poor, in the frozen when the selected seeds on 70 ~ 80 ℃ hot water soak for 24 hours, picked up in the basket, According to the thickness of about 10 cm flatten, outdoor 2 to 3 days frozen. And then soaked with hot water at the same temperature for 12 hours, then frozen for 2 to 3 days, and then fine sand to seed
1988年进行了以木屑、稻草、棉秆、棉子壳四种不同代料袋栽香菇试验,探索不同代料配方对香菇生育适应性、产量、品质以及栽培技术特点等。现将结果报告如下: In 1988, we c
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摘要:费时多,效率低,是小学语文教学中较为普遍存在的问题。为了弥补,老师不得不占用学生的课余时间或是反复做各种习题。不仅是学生,就连老师也厌烦了这种恶性循环。要想改变这一现状,必须从提高课堂效率入手,向四十分钟要质量。现就如何提高小学语文课堂教学效率的问题,谈几点粗浅的认识。  关键词:小学语文;教学;效率;提高  如何提高小学语文课堂教学效率,这是课堂教学的一个值得探讨的重要问题。我就教学实践所