水芹菜(Oenanthe stolonifera D、C、)为伞形科多年生沼泽草本植物,耐寒冷。水芹茎叶柔软,品质鲜嫩,清香爽口,产量高,供应期长,经济效益较高。而且水芹生长在秋冬季节,上市期正值元旦到春节前后的蔬菜淡季,因此颇受菜农和市场的欢迎。肯浦是上海的水生蔬菜基地,以生产茭白为主,但近年来茭白已产大于销,急需调整水生蔬菜的品种结构。因此,发展水
Oenanthe stolonifera D, C, is a perennial marsh herb of the Umbelliferae family that is cold-tolerant. Cress stems and leaves soft, fresh quality, refreshing and refreshing, high yield, long supply period, high economic benefits. And cress grows in the autumn and winter seasons, the listing period is from the New Year’s Day to the Spring Festival before the off-season vegetables, so popular with vegetable farmers and the market. Kempo is an aquatic vegetable base in Shanghai, mainly producing shibata, but in recent years Baibai has produced more than the pin, it is urgent to adjust the species structure of aquatic vegetables. Therefore, the development of water