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本文认为:一五"时期形成的以重工业为主的产业结构体系,基本符合我国当时的资源条件和经济发展水平;1958年开始的工业大跃进",使我国的产业结构发生了重大改变,刚刚形成的产业之间的生产协作关系被打乱,经济运行难以为继;1961年,我国开始对产业结构进行第一次调整,重工业的发展势头暂时受到了抑制;1979年我国的第二次产业结构调整是在较为明确的产业政策的指导下进行的,计划机制仍在这次调整中发挥着重要作用;1989年,我国对产业结构进行第三次重大调整,调整的手段由传统的计划配置资源转向充分利用税收、金融等杠杆,引导资源的重新配置与流动;今后我国产业结构优化和调整的方向应是,协调知识、技术密集型产业之间的技术均衡关系,合理选择在未来发展中起关键作用的主导产业和起支撑作用的基础产业,建立互相依托、互相支持的产业结构体系 This article believes that the industrial structure system based on heavy industry formed during the 21st Five-Year period was basically in line with China’s current resource conditions and economic development level; the industrial leap forward that began in 1958 has caused major changes in China’s industrial structure. , The newly formed industries have been disrupted in their production cooperation, and economic operations have been difficult to sustain; in 1961, China began to adjust its industrial structure for the first time, and the momentum of heavy industry was temporarily suppressed; in 1979, China’s second The adjustment of sub-industry structure was carried out under the guidance of relatively clear industrial policies. The planning mechanism still played an important role in this adjustment. In 1989, China made the third major adjustment to the industrial structure, and the means of adjustment were traditional. Plan to allocate resources to make full use of levers such as taxation and finance to guide the redistribution and flow of resources. In the future, China’s industrial structure should be optimized and adjusted in the direction of harmonizing the technologically balanced relationship between knowledge- and technology-intensive industries and rational choices in the future. Leading industries that play a key role in development and Basic industry support role, the establishment of relying on each other and support each other’s industrial structure system
近年来 ,摩尔根所揭示的古代社会婚制的演变规律不断受到质疑。本文通过对一些相关概念如性禁忌、婚生观念的解释和确认 ,说明了古代社会婚制演变的内在原因 ,指证摩氏理论在