I. International restrictions on the use of freon On the issue of freon damage to the environment, Prof. S. Lorad of the University of California, USA, for the first time in 1974 published the article “Freon emissions to the atmosphere, reaching the stratosphere almost invariably, Stratosphere, due to the role of ultraviolet light, the decomposition of chlorine atoms on the destruction of ozone .As a result, the amount of ultraviolet rays reaching the Earth’s surface increases. In addition to this may lead to an increase in the incidence of skin cancer, the state of human life will be A significant impact on the ”thesis. Since then, in 1976, the U.S. Environmental Protection Group published a proposition on the phased banning of Freon as an aerosol propellant, which was implemented in 1978. At the United Nations, the International Environment Planning Conference also raised this issue. In 1977, the Ozone Committee for Adjustment began to work