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老年性痴呆令人痛苦的智力状态在老年人中受累的比例很高.人口中,中老年人的比例增加,这更加成为一个紧迫的问题.早老性痴呆(Alzheimer’s病)在中年以上的痴呆病人中至少占了一半,许多人还未到60岁生日.虽然本病在80年前Alzheimer就已确定,但原因不明,也无有效办法.近年来发现了该病使大脑受累的方式,目前集中在几方面进行研究,以期发现这些破坏改变的来源.Alzheimer发现痴呆病人脑子退变的神经末梢有无数斑块,在有些神经细胞里有不正常、扭曲成束的蛋白细丝(神经原纤维的缠结).这些斑块和缠结集中在额叶、颞叶、顶叶皮层的所谓“联系区”.联系区掌管诸如记忆、作决定等重要任务而不是管知觉和运动控制.本病不累及皮层的知觉区和运动区.斑块和缠结愈多,问题愈严重.DavidBowen在70年代初期,在因Alzheimer’s病死亡的人脑发现,其皮层严重缺乏乙酰胆碱.皮 Alzheimer’s disease is a very high prevalence of mental retardation among the elderly, and the increase in the proportion of middle-aged and elderly people in the population is even more of an urgent problem. At least half of the patients and many have not reached the 60th birthday Although the disease Alzheimer 80 years ago has been identified, but the reason is unknown, there is no effective way In recent years found that the disease involved the brain, the way the current Focus on several aspects of research in order to find the source of these changes in damage.Alzheimer found dementia patients with degenerative brain dendrites have numerous plaque, in some nerve cells have abnormal, twisted bundles of protein filaments (neurofibrils Of the tangles.) These plaques and tangles are concentrated in the frontal, temporal, parietal cortex so-called “contact area.” Contact area in charge of such important tasks as memory, make decisions rather than the perception and exercise control. Does not affect the cortex of the perceptual area and motor area.Patches and tangled more, the problem is more serious.DavidBowen in the early 70s, died of Alzheimer’s disease in the human brain found that the cortex is a serious lack of acetylcholine .skin
有一天,乖乖兔的姨父、姨妈带着他们的孩子菲菲,一起到乖乖兔家做客。乖乖兔非常高兴,围着姨父姨妈又是唱歌,又是跳舞,还与菲菲做起游戏来了。  姨父也非常高兴,顺手拿出了三个盒子,对乖乖兔说:“来,乖乖兔,姨父送给你一件小礼物,不过需要你自己找。”说着,姨父将三个盒子放在桌子上,“这三个盒子,每个盒子上都写着一句话,但只有一句是真的。根据这三句话,你能知道自己的礼物在哪个盒子里吗?”  乖乖兔仔细一看
有人喜欢小溪潺潺的流水声,有人喜欢小鸟“叽叽”的叫声,而我却喜欢妈妈美妙动听的声音。听爸爸说,我刚生下几个月的时候,妈妈常常在哄我睡觉时唱温柔的摇篮 Some people li
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