On modal energy in civil structural control

来源 :Journal of Zhejiang University(Science A:An International Ap | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hulan2010
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A new control strategy based on modal energy criterion is proposed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the control system in reducing structural earthquake responses. The modal control algorithm combining LQR(linear quadratic regulator) control algorithm is adopted in the discrete time-history analysis. The various modal energy forms are derived by definition of the generalized absolute displacement vector. A preliminary numerical study of the effectiveness of this control strategy is carried out on a 20-storey framed steel structural model. The controlled performance of the model is studied from the perspectives of both response and modal energy. Results show that the modal energy-based control strategy is very effective in reducing structural responses as well as in consuming a large amount of modal energy,while augmentation of additional generalized control force corresponding to the modes that contain little modal energy is unnecessary,as it does little help to improve the controlled structural performance. A new control strategy based on modal energy criterion is proposed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the control system in reducing structural earthquake responses. The modal control algorithm combining LQR (linear quadratic regulator) control algorithm is in discrete time-history analysis. The various modal energy forms are derived by definition of the generalized absolute displacement vector. A preliminary numerical study of the effectiveness of this control strategy is carried out on a 20-storey framed steel structural model. The controlled performance of the model is studied from the perspectives of Both response and modal energy. Results show that the modal energy-based control strategy is very effective in reducing structural responses as well as in a large amount of modal energy, while augmentation of additional generalized control force to the modes that contain little modal energy is unnecessary, as it does little help to improve the controll ed structural performance.
10月18日 晴  阳光从叶缝里洒了下来,落到地上便成了一点点的光斑。这树应该有六七米高吧,结实的树干上布满翠绿的叶子。尤其是那枝头,点缀着那浅绿的嫩芽。风一吹过,树枝和叶也跟着摇曳,发出“刷刷”的声音。在树底下,一个老人坐在板凳上,看着一个小女孩追着小狗跑……  那正是我和奶奶。  童年,邻居都是男孩,所以我从小和男孩们混在一起玩,一起爬树。因此,树是我最熟悉的伙伴。从小我就喜欢和奶奶在树下乘凉
笔者多年担任高三复课班的语文教学工作。由于有20年高中语文教学经验,又有幸多次得到高中名校名师的指点与帮助,加之本人对高三教学的孜孜探索,所教学生素质大幅度提 The a
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