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编者按在广义的贺岁档期间,共上映影片99部左右,产生票房110亿元左右,呈现出以下几个特点:国产电影上映数量和票房仍占优势;市场集中度有所增加;合拍片数量创近年来新高;类型丰富多样,观众对适合贺岁档上映的喜剧提出了更高的要求;春节档的作用凸显,成为广义贺岁档中票房产出的重要档期。其中,此次贺岁档期间也出现了几个热点问题,如保底发行的风险增加、口碑营销的效果显著、备受争议的评分风波 During the Lunar New Year stall in a broad sense, editors compiled a total of 99 or so films and produced about 11 billion box office receipts, showing the following characteristics: the number of domestically produced films and the box office still dominate; the market concentration has increased; the number of co-productions A record high in recent years; rich and varied types, the audience for the Lunar New Year comedy release comedy put forward higher requirements; the role of the Chinese New Year highlights the document, a broad Lunar New Year file box office output of the important schedule. Among them, the Lunar New Year file during the period there have been several hot issues, such as the end of the issuance of increased risk, word of mouth marketing effect is significant, the controversial rating storm
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Putai was one of the four main areas with endemic blackfoot disease in the southwestern coast of Taiwan. It was reported that the disease was caused by drinking
Damming is a common anthropogenic intervention along the course of rivers, which is defined as “artificial-lake effect”, both in China and across the world. T
索妮,一个听起来十分熟悉的名字,当她主持的《娱乐现场》在全国140多家电视台同时播出的时候,这个名字与她精致的形象便家喻户晓了。  "索尼"是一个品牌,索妮主持的节目也成为了一个品牌,不知是索妮沾了"索尼"的光,还是"索尼"沾了索妮的光。有人说,索妮,你为索尼公司做了多少免费的广告啊!索妮说,人家索尼公司不说我侵权就不错了,毕竟我的名字是后来起的。索妮姓常。  将索妮这样好的照片展现出来,对关注她
国家计委提供的资料显示,经过加大力度进行结构调整,中国三大产业的结构正趋向协调。中国的三大产业增加值在GDP中的比重,已由1990年的27:42:31调整为2001年的15:51:34。 中
南极洲东部的沙克尔顿山(Shackleton Range)位于S80°—81°,东西向狭长分布,长约240km,宽50~70km,为活动的Ross造山带与稳定的南极洲东克拉通之间的过渡带。许多人把它视为
In this paper, we present a new type of offshore structure, open bottomstorage platform, and its theoretical and experimental studies of its stability. In order
《在毛主席身边》 这帧《在毛主席身边》的照片,引起了我遥远的记忆。它摄于50年前(1954年)的12月25日,那是在中国人民政协二届一次会议第一天的大会上。(我只知道照片是新
Solid phases, such as surface coatings (SC), suspended particulate matter (SPM) and deposited sediments (DS), contribute to the pool of heavy metals in natural