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菲华诗人陈扶助诗歌的鲜明特征是现实感与时代感很强,以其独特的诗意传达和鲜明的情感把握,抒写出他对社会人生的热切关注和深沉的人文关怀,表现出一个老诗人的正义感和社会良知。陈扶助诗歌还善于抒写自己的生命体验,捕捉海外华人华侨的独特心态和生活况味,表现海外华人华侨的两难心境,传达自己独特的艺术发现,显示出他对海外华人华侨生活与众不同的把握和揭示。在艺术表现上,他注重想象的奇谲,讲究诗歌的结构、韵律以及节奏等艺术规律的把握,体现出别具匠心的艺术魅力。 The distinctive feature of Chen Fu-po’s poetry is the strong sense of reality and the sense of the times. With his unique poetic expression and clear emotions, he shows his keen interest in social life and profound humanistic concern. He shows an old poet Sense of justice and social conscience. Chen Fuzhuo poetry is also good at describing his own life experience, capturing the unique mentality and living condition of overseas Chinese in overseas China, expressing the dilemma of overseas Chinese in overseas China, conveying his own unique artistic discoveries and showing his unique grasp of overseas Chinese in overseas countries And reveal. In artistic expression, he pays more attention to the wonders of imagination, pays attention to the rules of art such as the structure, rhythm and rhythm of poetry, and reflects the unique artistic charm.
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单位:千吨~门,.‘.,口,阳d山阳甲,曰~-叫.肠...洲...甲以.港度国家或地区 1.比利时 2.法[月3.联邦德国4.希脂5.意大利 6.卢森堡 7.荷兰 8.葡萄牙 9.西班牙l咬1.英I」络·欧洲
1 病例介绍患者,男性,27岁,汉族。因腹胀,乏力进行性加重1月,发热5d于1998年3月6日就诊,查脾脏异常肿大,外周血象WBC46.8×109/L,可见到较多的中、晚幼粒细胞。疑为慢性粒细
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