
来源 :西南民兵 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jia1987_LOVE
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人武干部素质的高低,直接影响到民兵预备役建设的质量和效果。在市场经济和改革开放的新形势下,要推动民兵预备役建设跨世纪发展,要加强人武部的全面建设,就必须下大力增强人武干部的能力素质。 我们在深入调查研究中感到,近年来,通过各级党委、机关狠抓人武干部的任用培养和教育管理,通过干部自我修养和实践锻炼,大多数人武干部的综合素质有了明显提高。但也要清醒地看到,与江主席对加强民兵预备役建设的要求相比,与高素质干部队伍建设的要求相比,与“打得赢”、“不变质”的要求相比,部分人武干部的素质也存在明显差距。主要表现:其一,思想政治素质不能适应加强思想政治建设的需要。其二,人武专业素质不能适应民兵预备役建设的需要。其三,科学文化素质不能适应科技兴训的需要。能力素质上存在的这些“短板”,直接影响到人武干部 The quality of people’s military cadres directly affects the quality and effectiveness of the militia reserve construction. Under the market economy and the new situation of reform and opening up, it is imperative to vigorously enhance the capability and quality of military and civilian cadres if we want to promote the cross-century development of reserve construction in the militia and strengthen the comprehensive construction of the armed forces department. In our in-depth investigations and studies, we feel that in recent years, the party committees and organs at all levels have paid close attention to the appointment and education and management of cadres and the armed cadres, and have made significant improvements in the overall quality of the majority of the cadres through their self-cultivation and practical training. However, we must also be soberly aware that compared with the request made by Chairman Jiang to strengthen the construction of reserve militias, compared with the requirements of building a contingent of high-quality cadres, in contrast to the demands of “win win” and “non-deterioration”, some people There is also a clear difference in the quality of military cadres. Main performance: First, the ideological and political quality can not meet the needs of strengthening ideological and political construction. Second, the professional quality of military personnel can not meet the needs of militia reserve construction. Third, scientific and cultural qualities can not meet the needs of science and technology training. The existence of these “shortcomings” in their ability and quality directly affects the cadres in the armed forces
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