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建筑智能化系统作为可持续建筑的一项重要技术措施,目前已越来越多地被应用到公共建筑中,对方便建筑的运维管理、实现节能均起到了一定作用。但目前智能化系统存在着各种各样的问题,使其运行状况远远低于预期,大量的实测数据表明,智能建筑并未显示出比普通建筑更节能的趋势,对建筑智能化系统的大量投入并没有起到应有的作用。因此需要对建筑智能化系统进行合理评价,科学地评价投资及其产生的效益,为建筑智能化系统的投资决策提供依据。本文分析了建筑智能化系统的初投资及运行维护过程中各项费用和产生的效益,提出一种建筑智能化系统的投资效益评价方法,重点对智能化系统带来的无形收益进行定量分析,采用层次分析法这一定量分析工具,确定建筑智能化系统的各项无形收益的指标权重。对建筑能耗相关的投入和产出的分析也是本方法的一个重点内容。最后将本文提出的投资效益评价方法在三个实际案例中进行了应用,验证了所提出的评价方法的有效性。 As an important technical measure of sustainable building, intelligent building system has been applied more and more to public buildings at present. It has played a certain role in facilitating the operation and maintenance of buildings and achieving energy conservation. However, there are various problems in the intelligent system at present, which make it run far below expectation. A large amount of measured data show that the intelligent building does not show a trend of more energy-saving than that of the ordinary building. A lot of investment did not play its due role. Therefore, it is necessary to make a reasonable evaluation of building intelligent system, scientifically evaluate the investment and its benefits, and provide the basis for the investment decision-making of building intelligent system. This paper analyzes the initial investment and operation and maintenance of building intelligent system, the various costs and benefits arising from, proposed a building intelligent system of investment efficiency evaluation methods, focusing on intelligent systems to bring about the intangible benefits of quantitative analysis, Using analytic hierarchy process, a quantitative analysis tool, determines the index weights of various intangible benefits of building intelligent system. Analysis of inputs and outputs related to building energy consumption is also an important element of this approach. Finally, the investment benefit evaluation method proposed in this paper is applied in three practical cases to verify the effectiveness of the proposed evaluation method.
本文在9例三型小儿克山病非变质心肌中,对391个心肌细胞的70 838个线粒体作了形态定量观察。结果表明,线粒体呈单纯性肿胀,其Vv和(?)普遍增大(P
(一)  躺在夏季的夜里,如何也不能安然入睡。天气还算凉爽,只有那颗不安分的心伴随着夏虫不眠的歌一直不能平静下来。  坐到桌前,拿起笔又放下,不知如何抒写自己此时的心情和一