
来源 :中国寄生虫病防治杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bn1984
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目的 研究弓形虫感染与小儿疾病的关系。 方法 以 12 4 6例住院儿童为实验组 ,2 6 7名健康儿童为对照组 ,使用统一调查表问卷调查 ,同时采集静脉血 ,分离血清 ,采用双抗体夹心酶标一步法检测血清弓形虫循环抗原。 结果 实验组和对照组弓形虫循环抗原阳性率分别为 3.5 3%和 1.87% ,两组阳性率差异无显著性。早产儿、黄疸、新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病 (HIE)、肺炎、癫痫组弓形虫循环抗原均为阴性。上呼吸道感染、支气管炎、腹泻病组弓形虫循环抗原阳性率与对照组比较差异无显著性 (P>0 .0 5 )。喉炎 (包括喉炎、急性喉 -气管 -支气管炎 )、热性惊厥、哮喘 (包括支气管哮喘、喘息性支气管炎 )组弓形虫循环抗原阳性率与对照组比较差异有显著性 (0 .0 5 >P>0 .0 1或 P≤ 0 .0 1)。 结论 虽然住院儿童与健康儿童血清弓形虫循环抗原阳性率差异无显著性 ,但某些疾病患儿弓形虫循环抗原阳性率与对照组比较 ,差异有显著性 ,提示弓形虫急性感染可能是这些疾病的一种病因。 Objective To study the relationship between Toxoplasma gondii infection and pediatric diseases. Methods One hundred and sixty-six children in hospital were enrolled in this study. Twenty-six healthy children were enrolled in the study. The questionnaires were collected by questionnaire. Venous blood was also collected and serum was separated. Toxoplasma gondii circulation antigen. Results The positive rates of Toxoplasma circulating antigen in experimental group and control group were 3.53% and 1.87%, respectively. There was no significant difference between the two groups in the positive rate of Toxoplasma gondii. Premature children, jaundice, neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE), pneumonia, epilepsy group toxoplasma circulating antigen were negative. The positive rate of Toxoplasma gondii circulating antigen in upper respiratory tract infection, bronchitis and diarrhea group was not significantly different from that in control group (P> 0.05). The positive rate of Toxoplasma gondii circulating antigen in laryngitis (including laryngitis, acute laryngotracheal-bronchitis), febrile seizures, and asthma (including bronchial asthma and asthmatic bronchitis) was significantly different from that in the control group (0 .0 5> P> 0 .0 1 or P ≦ 0 .0 1). Conclusion Although there is no significant difference in the positive rate of Toxoplasma gondii circulating antigen between hospitalized children and healthy children, the positive rate of Toxoplasma gondii antigen in children with certain diseases is significantly different from that of the control group, suggesting that acute infection with Toxoplasma gondii may be the most common cause of these diseases A cause of
<正> 1960年冬季,我县城关镇突然发生麻疹6例,我们当时立即在4个月至9周岁儿童中采用了南瓜藤煎剂进行防治;在麻疹患者邻近地区的儿童服药五天,其他地区连服三天.结果,未继续
袁枚于乾嘉诗坛影响甚巨 ,不仅其性灵说深入人心 ,形成了性灵派 ,而且使蒋士铨、黄景仁、李调元、陈文述、宋湘等诗坛名家成为性灵派的同盟军。其负面影响则是引起洪亮吉、姚