与时俱进 不断创新 推进皮革行业的信用建设

来源 :西部皮革 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ZhuoFeichi
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刚刚过去的2001年是不平常的一年。一年来,我们国家不断深化改革,扩大开放,大力推进经济结构的战略性调整,实施西部大开发,在全球经济增长明显减缓的情况下,坚持扩大内需,实现了国民经济的较快增长。 回首新世纪的第一年,中国皮革行业取得了辉煌的成绩。我们创造了三个世界第一,即鞋类、皮衣、轻革产量第一,皮革工业商品出口额世界第一,猪、羊原料皮资源第一,中国已成为当之无愧的皮革生产大国。为应对入世的挑战,中国皮革工业协会未雨绸缪,着力做好与国际接轨的基础工作。如推出了授予皮革行业特色区域荣誉称号的行业规范;出台了“真皮标志生态皮革的管理办法”,召开了十个皮革生产基地 2001, just past, is an unusual year. In the past year, our country has continuously deepened reforms, opened wider to the outside world, vigorously promoted the strategic adjustment of the economic structure, implemented the great development of the western region, and under the circumstances of a marked slowdown in global economic growth, persisted in expanding domestic demand and achieved a rapid growth of the national economy. Looking back at the first year of the new century, the Chinese leather industry has achieved brilliant results. We have created the first of three worlds, namely, the first place in footwear, leather garments, and light leather, and the first in the world in terms of exports of leather goods, and the first in raw materials for pigs and sheep. China has become a well-deserved leather producer. In response to the challenges of accession to the WTO, the China Leather Industry Association took precautions and focused on the basic work in line with international standards. Such as the introduction of the industry standard to honor the honorable title of the leather industry region; the introduction of the “Leather logo eco-leather management methods”, held ten leather production bases
近一段时期以来,关于中国民族工业的问题,引起了社会的广泛关注,舆论争论不 In recent days, questions concerning China’s national industry have aroused widespread