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10月14日,奥地利跳伞高手费利克斯.鲍姆加特搭乘热气球搭载的吊舱进入12.8万英尺(约合39公里)的高空,而后纵身跃下,用血肉之躯突破音速,就此创造历史。这项惊人大冒险之所以能够成功,除了要归功于鲍姆加特自身的努力和勇气外, On October 14, the Austrian skydiving expert Felix Baumgarter took a balloon on a hot air balloon and entered a height of 128,000 feet (39 kilometers), then leapped forward and broke through the speed of sound with flesh and blood to create a history. The reason why this amazing adventure can be successful, in addition to thanks to Baumgarter own efforts and courage,
Freezing injury is one of the major disasters for the production of winter wheat in the North China Plain, which leads to a significant decrease of wheat yield.
Five cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS) lines were used as parents in an incomplete diallet cross and six restorer lines of rice design (Nc II design). Thirty hybri
The aim of this study was to investigate the in vitro antifungal effects of antifungal monomer component DZP8 isolated from Streptomyces 702 on the mycelium gro
[Objective] This study aimed to investigate the variation dynamics of total nitrogen and nicotine of burtey tobacco at various growing stages under different ni