
来源 :中国环境法治 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dongfsq
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一、问题的提出近段时间,甘肃群众血铅超标事件广受社会关注。自今年4月7日发现甘肃省徽县水阳乡一名儿童血铅超标以来,截至9月7日,当地共发现368人血铅超标。9月14日,国家环保总局副局长潘岳在向媒体进行通报此次事件时指出:这是一起典型的因当地政府及环保部门失职、渎职造成严重后果的重大环境事件。这起污染事故的直接肇事者甘肃徽县有色金属冶炼公司在不符合认证标准的情况下,仍获得了当地环保部门的支持,通过了ISO 14000环境体系认证;而为了迎合县政府追求经济发展的畸形政绩观,环保部门对于村民们近十年的投诉却一直保持沉默,导致村民拿不到肇事者污染的证据而不能寻求司法救济。其实,类似的环境污染事故在我国可谓时有发生。在湖南岳阳饮用水源砷超标事件,2005年的松花江污染事件以及2004年的沱江水污染事件中,与此相似的情节一再上演。面对这些无视国家环保法律法规,漠视民众身体甚至生命健康事件的频繁出现,我们不得不反思我国环境保护法律法规的执行机制是不是出现了严重问题。我国目前实行的是由国家环境行政管理机关主管环境执法运行这种单轨制的法律执行模式。该模式的典型特点在于以命令性和禁止性规范为执法基础,以环境行政主管部门的积极作为为执法途径,以相对人的无条件服从为执法目的,因此学界形象地将其命名为行政强制执法机制。应当承认,上述机制对于应对 First, the issue put forward Recently, Gansu excessive blood lead widespread concern of the community. Since April 7 this year, found in Shuiyang Township, Huixian Township, Gansu Province, a blood lead exceeded, as of September 7, a total of 368 local blood lead exceeded the standard. On September 14, Pan Yue, deputy director of the State Environmental Protection Administration, briefed the media on this incident and pointed out: This is a typical major environmental incident with serious consequences of dereliction of duty and malfeasance by the local government and environmental protection departments. The non-ferrous metal smelting company in Anhui Huixian County, the direct perpetrator of the pollution accident, still obtained the support of the local environmental protection department and passed the certification of ISO 14000 environment system. However, in order to cater to the county government’s pursuit of economic development Malformation achievements, the environmental protection department for the villagers nearly 10 years of complaints has been silent, resulting in the villagers can not get evidence of perpetrators of pollution and can not seek judicial relief. In fact, similar environmental pollution accidents can be said in our country from time to time. In Yueyang, Hunan Province, drinking water sources of arsenic exceeded the incident, the Songhua River pollution in 2005 and the 2004 Tuojiang water pollution incidents, and similar episodes staged again and again. Faced with these frequent disregard of national environmental laws and regulations, ignoring the people’s health and even life and health events, we have to reflect on China’s environmental protection laws and regulations enforcement mechanism is not a serious problem. At present, our country is in charge of environmental law enforcement by the state environmental administrative department, which is a monorail law enforcement model. The model is characterized by the command and prohibition of norms as the basis for law enforcement, environmental administration as a positive law enforcement as a means of obeying the unconditional obedience to law enforcement purposes, so the school vividly named administrative enforcement mechanism. It should be acknowledged that the above mechanism is a response
1 案例资料rn例 1 李某,女,60 岁.横过马路时,被 1 辆小型汽车撞击身体左侧,左面部被该车发动机罩撞击,当场死亡.该车前保险杠 1 处裂痕,发动机罩坡度为 30°,发动机罩有 1
2014年第四季度跨国采购(上海)信心指数为53.08,略高于上季度(52.99),其中工业品跨国采购指数为52.23,略高于上季度(52.15),消费品跨国采购指数为54.29,略高于上季度(54.18)。  工业品  工业品方面,有关采购量的四个问题扩散系数分别为53.97、54.38、53.66和52.81,相比上季度略有下降;有关采购价格的两个问题扩散系数分别为53.79和55.41,相比
低碳,英文为low carbon,指较低(更低)的温室气体(二氧化碳为主)排放。随着世界工业经济的发展、人口的剧增、生产生活方式的无节制消耗,世界气候面临越来越严重的问题,二氧化
占有制度的调整范围极其广泛。可以说,凡是涉及到物权内容的,多数有可能涉及到占有制度。但是,对整个物权法体系中的占有制度却并不能狭隘地理解为其仅存于“占有”一章中,实际上其他实体或程序法均有可能规定占有制度的内容。占有制度是涉及面很广且极具争议的一项物权制度,并在物权法体系中被独立成编,可体现出其重要性。  一、占有制度的调整范围及其法律关系  物权法对占有制度的专门性规定极其简略,只有短短的五条。
1.新常态  2014年,世界经济复苏缓慢,国际市场需求不振,我国主要贸易伙伴的经济表现多不尽人意,无法支撑我国外贸进出口继续保持高速增长,加之国内经济下行压力较大,我国外贸进出口的增速全年仅2.3%。我国外贸正处于增速的换挡期和结构的转型期,已经进入稳增长、调结构、提质量的“新常态”。  2. 一带一路  “一带一路”战略构想的提出,契合沿线国家的共同需求,为沿线国家优势互补、开放发展启动了新的