
来源 :浙江中医学院通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:coolcool1234567
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在党的十一大路线的光辉指引下,在揭批“四人帮”运动取得伟大胜利的大好形势下,为早日实现毛主席关于中西医结合,创造我国统一的新医学新药学的伟大遗愿,省卫生局委托我院举办的省第6期西医离职学习中医班,已于十月中旬在嘉兴中医院胜利开学。这期省西医离职学习中医班,是粉碎“四人帮”以后的第一期。学习时间为一年半。学员共六十一名。他们来自全省各地基层医疗单位,一般的在十一次路线斗争中表现 Under the glorious guidance of the 11th National Congress of the CPC and under the magnificent circumstances of exposing and approving the great triumph of the “gang of four,” it is an early fulfillment of Chairman Mao’s great aspiration to create a new medical and new pharmacy of our country based on the integration of traditional Chinese and western medicine. Health Bureau commissioned the hospital held in our province, the sixth phase of Western medicine resignation Chinese classes, has been in mid-October in Jiaxing Hospital victory. During this period, the western medicine left the traditional Chinese medicine classes for the first time after the smashing of the “gang of four.” Learning time for a year and a half. A total of 61 students. They came from grass-roots medical units across the province and generally showed their eleven times in the line struggle