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哥伦比亚作家加西亚·马尔克斯的名字是和他的著名作品《百年孤独》以及魔幻现实主义联系在一起的。1982年,马尔克斯因其独特的写作才能被授予诺贝尔文学奖,从此也使崛起于拉丁美洲的魔幻现实主义流派大放光彩,一时间风靡了整个世界。中国的当代作家也多多少少受到了这一风潮的影响,其中,莫言是比较突出的一个。他因诸多作品有着和马尔克斯相近的风格,而被一些评论家称为“中国的马尔克斯”。现在通行的各版本的高中语文教材里也时有他们的作品入选,为便于同学们集中掌握,并加以比较阅读,雨羽特在本期“教材解读”栏目中编排了一组精彩的文章,如果你想了解一下他们的个人经历或者小说风格,甚至想知道他们入选教材作品的具体情况,都不妨来这里寻找一下,说不准会收获多多,惊喜连连哦!(雨羽) The name of the Colombian writer Garcia Marquez is linked to his famous work “One Hundred Years of Solitude” and magical realism. In 1982, Marquez was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature for his unique writing skills. Since then, he has also made the magical realism school in Latin America shine, and it has swept the world for a time. Chinese contemporary writers have also been more or less affected by this trend. Among them, Mo Yan is a prominent one. He has been called “China’s Marquez” by some critics because he has a lot of works with Marquez’s style. Nowadays, all versions of high school Chinese textbooks that are commonly used have their works selected. In order to facilitate the students to master them together and read them comparatively, Yu Yu special arranges a group of wonderful articles in this edition of the “Textbook Interpretation” section. If you want to find out about their personal experiences or novel styles, or even want to know the specific circumstances of their selection of teaching materials, you may wish to come here and look for something that will not be harvested. Surprises will be repeated! (Yu Yu)
文章扼要地揭示了海外游子散文作品充盈文坛的因由,概述了游子散文独具的脉脉乡情和兼容东西文化的艺术特色,回顾了一个世纪来游子散文的发展与祖国的历史巨变之依存关系。 Th
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